Tuesday, September 08, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Sadc does not dictate Zimbabwe

Sadc does not dictate Zimbabwe
James Kativhu - Opinion
Tue, 08 Sep 2009 01:01:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - Attempts by the MDC-T party to influence Sadc leaders to rein in President Mugabe over so called "outstanding issues" are an act in futility.

Somehow the running around reminds me of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's last year's attempts at trying to place Zimbabwe on the UN Security Council's agenda. Those efforts were blocked by South Africa, China and Russia and other friends of Zimbabwe. The MDC-T party always engages in this shoot-thy-own-foot business.

Sadc states are in close proximity to Zimbabwe. They share borders with Zimbabwe and they also gather their own intelligence on Zimbabwe.

When President Zuma wants to be briefed on Zimbabwe, he is merely doing it out of formality. That country has the capacity to accummulate its own intelligence on Zimbabwe; not wait for MDC-T to influence their policy.

Decisions in Sadc, as in the UN, are made by consensus and majority decisions prevail. Those who think that Sadc will "tell Zanu PF and President Mugabe what to do" are only wasting their time.

Zimbabwe is an independent and sovereign state. Sadc can only facilitate, not dictate, processes in Zimbabwe.
* James Kativhu is a Zimbabwean student based in Ontario, Canada. He is studying for an MA in International Relations.



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