
Monday, September 14, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) West is hypocritical on Zim sanctions

West is hypocritical on Zim sanctions
Tyson from Berlin - West is hypocritical on Zim sanctions
Mon, 14 Sep 2009 11:46:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - I just want to point out the hypocrisy and lies from Western countries. Firstly, they claim that sanctions are targeted on individuals, yet in reality they are economic sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Most European countries and the USA are not allowed to trade with Zimbabwe. For example, TESCO (Supermarkets) Group UK and other companies got into trouble last year for continuing to purchase produce from Zimbabwean farmers.

Is that targeted at President Mugabe and Zanu PF leadership? Such measures are not affecting President Mugabe and Zanu PF, but ordinary Zimbabweans.

What do the Western governments have to hide? Why can't they just be open that Zimbabwe is under sanctions?

Secondly, when Zimbabweans ask for aid from the West to rescucitate the country, they are told the country is not yet politically stable, yet if Zimbabweans apply for asylum now from Western countries, we are told the country is now stable and therefore no need for asylum.

This is hypocrisy!

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