
Friday, September 25, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) West undermining inclusive Govt: Pres Mugabe

West undermining inclusive Govt: Pres Mugabe
Matthew Nyathi
Fri, 25 Sep 2009 18:58:00 +0000

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe told the UN General Assembly on Friday that some unnamed Western countries were using "filthy clandestine divisive antics" to undermine Zimbabwe's inclusive Government. He also called for sanctions to be lifted, saying they were "ruining the lives of our children".

During the address President Mugabe said southern African nations had made huge sacrifices to help his country during the global economic crisis, but the West's sanctions had not been lifted.

"While countries in the Sadc (Southern Africa Development Community) region have made huge sacrifices and given Zimbabwe financial and other support at a time when they too are reeling from the effects of the global economic crisis, the Western countries -- in particular the United States and the European Union who imposed illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe -- have... refused to remove those sanctions," he said in the brief address, which lasted less than 20 minutes.

"We wonder what their motives are and we ask what they would want to see us do? Indeed, some of them are working strenuously to divide the parties in an inclusive government.

"If they will not assist the inclusive government in rehabilitating our economy, could they please, please stop their filthy clandestine divisive antics?" he said.

President Mugabe added: "We wonder what their motives are? And we ask what they would see us do? Where stand their humanitarian principles we ask, when their illegal sanctions are ruining the lives of our children?"

The veteran president blames sanctions imposed after a disputed presidential election in 2002 for ruining the country's economy.

President Mugabe sent Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, the former opposition leader, to Europe and America to lobby for the lifting of the illegal sanctions and a restoration of foreign aid and investment. The prime minister had little success.

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank have recently restored some funding to Zimbabwe after several years.

Debate continued for a third day Friday at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, with more than 20 world leaders scheduled to speak.

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