
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Where is the United Nations?

Where is the United Nations?
Tue, 22 Sep 2009 04:30:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - While reading an article on your website entitled "US Not Lifting Sanctions Against Zim", I could not help but wonder, as I often have, just what was the United Nations was established for.

Was one of the aims in the establishment of this international body in 1945 in San Francisco not to set up some sort of framework wherein smaller nations would not be subject to the whims and caprices of larger nations? These nations seek by military and economic strength to interfere into the domestic affairs of lesser nations, even wherein lesser nations are engaged -- heatedly or nonheatedly -- in the resolution of issues that are legitimate issues, e.g., the issue of land in Zimbabwe, for example?

This ongoing crisis in Zim would seem to fit under the UN paradigm assuming it is the purpose of the UN to protect smaller nations against the larger ones.

And it is interesting that the permanent members of the UN are former colonial and economic players in former colonies now called emerging nations.

And it is seemingly in this context that the smaller nations continuously find themselves in checkmate by the powerful!

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