
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tone of debate on MMD convention worries Katele

Tone of debate on MMD convention worries Katele
Written by Patson Chilemba
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 5:32:04 PM

MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba has likened the tone of the debates over the party convention to the third term debate which almost led to the destruction of the party In an interview, Kalumba said the party risked being injured going by the mode of the debate.

"I don't want a third term scenario here. I will do everything to avoid that. I know this party from inception, even before we declared it as MMD. So I will not want, some people may not have its history clearly, but I have seen most of these things happen before. The signals are quite clear," he said.

Asked if the signals were quite clear that the party was on the verge of collapse if it continued with the same mode of debate, Kalumba responded: "Yah, but the party faces real danger if it goes along this line of debate. That's what I have warned. There is no leader who has not received my circular clearly stipulating what danger I have seen. So I am asking to please heed my humble counsel. You may not like me, but I'm your national secretary, I'm chief executive of the party. I have an obligation to advise my party leaders and my party members of the things that have come to my attention as dangers to the party, things that are likely to injure the party. That's why I was elected, to administer it."

Kalumba said he had faced criticism from both parties to the argument on the convention that he was quiet over the matter, but he had enough tolerance to discipline himself to listen to the issues from both sides.

He said he did not want to be a national secretary that would be remembered for having allowed MMD to disintegrate because he acted un-intelligently and emotionally to the challenges faced by the party.

"I will remain sober-minded. I will try and exercise myself rationally and uphold the values upon which MMD rests," Kalumba said.

He said the national executive committee (NEC) should sit and objectively, without emotion, look at the pros and cons of the issues that had been raised over the convention.

He called on a ‘ceasefire’ from both sides who were involved in the argument on whether to hold a convention or to postpone it.

"So I am suggesting to everybody, as I have done in a circular I sent out, no side should provoke each other. There are two sides to this argument, and when we speak to attack or defend, we are perpetuating it to the point that each side feel they have to defend each other by attacking the other side," Kalumba said.

He said those involved in the argument should be sober-minded and put the greater interests of the party first.

Kalumba said those who had chosen to ignore counsel should not expect protection from him, saying it was only his office that could protect members.

"Now when the weight of motion overcomes even the smallest grain of reason, the party stands to lose. Let's allow reason to govern the MMD. We may have passion, we may have injuries, but all reasonable men and women find ways to reconcile and move the party forward. It's not a measure of our strength to abuse our powers, neither is it a measure of our strength to provoke others into acting sometimes emotional because they feel injured," said Kalumba. "Let's not call the wolves upon ourselves and for my colleagues, whichever position they are taking, let them know my office will be the last one to take sides on any particular issue. By constitution, I must listen to all our members and be able to put forward a rational case to the national executive committee, one way or the other."

The MMD members have been debating the issue of holding the convention for some time now.

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