
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

C/belt MMD chairman U-turns on Mpombo

C/belt MMD chairman U-turns on Mpombo
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Wed 28 Oct. 2009, 04:01 CAT [

COPPERBELT Province MMD chairman Joseph Chilambwe has U-turned on his earlier statement that George Mpombo should not be given the opportunity to exculpate himself for allegedly bringing the party’s name into disrepute.

Chilambwe’s decision comes in the wake of MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba’s directive that the ruling party should hear former defence minister Mpombo before taking any action against him.

In an interview yesterday, Chilambwe said he was a fair leader and law abiding citizen who believed in the constitution.

“I am a constitution person and our constitution says that we are supposed to give chance to people to explain themselves before we take any action against them. So we have written a letter to Mr Mpombo and we have given him days in which he should exculpate himself failure to which he will have to answer to the national executive committee NEC,” he said.

Chilambwe said the MMD was a principled party that followed its constitution and that Mpombo should be heard before taking any action against him.
“It would be wrong and unconstitutional for us to take further action on Mr Mpombo before hearing him,” he said.

When asked to disclose the details in Mpombo’s letter, Chilambwe said the letter was highly confidential.

“I cannot tell you what is written in that letter. Those are bedroom issues. I cannot tell you what I discuss in my bedroom. Or maybe Mr Mpombo himself will tell you what is in the letter,” said Chilambwe. “I cannot say anything more because I don’t want to be in the paper. I fear the press, they can destroy my name.”

Last week, Chilambwe announced Mpombo’s suspension from the MMD and added that the party on the Copperbelt Province had recommended to the NEC for his expulsion.
However, Kalumba said Mpombo should be heard before any action, including expulsion, could be taken.

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