
Saturday, October 10, 2009

CCCM bemoans lack of market for coal

CCCM bemoans lack of market for coal
Written by Tovin Ngombe in Sinazongwe
Saturday, October 10, 2009 4:27:56 PM

CHINESE Collum Coal Mine (CCCM) in Sinazongwe has said processed coal produced by the mine will be wasted if the lack of markets for the commodity continues.
CCCM general manager for shaft two and three Cai Yue Zhong told ZANIS that with the onset of the rains, 20,000 tonnes of Fines and 5,000 tonnes of Peas and Nuts would be destroyed if market continued to be a problem.

Cai said for the past one week, customers had been failing to buy coal from the mine resulting in the reduction of coal production. He said the mine had difficulties in selling the Fines as most customers were only interested in buying the type of processed coal that had Peas and Nuts.

“We are worried that with onset of the rains, our coal will be wasted after investing so much in its production,” he said.

Cai appealed to the government to assist in convincing Zambian companies that were buying coal from Zimbabwe to start buying from the local producers.

He said the workers were the most affected with the lack of market because their monthly income was reduced.

Cai revealed that workers were at times told to be on break when the market for coal was affected because they could not keep on producing without the available buyers.

And Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL) plants manager Famous Kabwe also confirmed that the problem of markets for Fines was also affecting the company.

He said most companies such as Lafarge Cement Zambia were getting their Fines from Wankie Coal Mine in Zimbabwe.

Kabwe said a few companies in Zambia that were using Fines in their furnaces such as Ndola Lime were also getting it from Zimbabwe.

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