
Thursday, October 15, 2009

(DAILY NATION KENYA) Land the main issue in draft constitution

Land the main issue in draft constitution
Posted Friday, September 4 2009 at 15:59

Different leaders attending Coast Opinion Leaders Forum on Land Reforms on Friday differed with political party delegates who cited land as one of the contentious issues in the Kenyan Constitution draft.

The leaders drawn from different sectors among them Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) and Institute of Surveyors of Kenya officials said land problem is brought about by bad governance.

KLA national coordinator Odenda Lumumba said politicians should not include land as one of the contentious since they want to protect those who own huge chunks of land.

Mr Lumumba said there is need to support the National Land Policy to resolve problems facing Kenyans who have been rendered squatters by very few individuals.

“The Lands Minister is expected to present a Sessional paper on the draft of National Land Policy and we urge different sectors to present their views to MPs to ensure they support the draft,” said Mr Lumumba.

He urged different opinion leaders to play their role in initiating necessary land reforms.

Speaking at Whitesands Hotel during the forum, Mr Lumumba said land is a complex issue which has affected growth in the country and it needs to be handled with caution to avoid any clashes.

During the meeting, Coast Parliamentary Group (CPG) chairman Benedict Fondo said coast MPs have decided to support the Bill since it will solve the squatter problem at the Coast.

Mr Fondo who is also Bahari MP said during the two-day CPG retreat at Malindi last week, the MPs discussed and interpreted the policy before they resolved to support the Bill.

“We expect opposition from other MPs who are planning to shoot down the Bill once it is presented to the house but we are starting intensive lobbying and consensus to ensure the draft is accepted by majority in parliament,” said Mr Fondo.

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