
Sunday, October 11, 2009

‘Govt is quarrelling with every key sector of society’

‘Govt is quarrelling with every key sector of society’
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:08:46 AM

A LUSAKA clergyman has said it is a big problem that the government is quarrelling with every key sector of society. In an interview yesterday, Reverend Malawo Matyola, who is also Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD) executive secretary, expressed concerned that the government was fighting with all the key sectors such as the Church, donors, civil society, media and ordinary citizens with opposing views that were advising it on various issues.

“There is a very big problem; what is happening currently in our country is bad where we have the government quarrelling with all the key sectors. Every sector is in conflict with our government,” Rev Matyola said.

“The government is not just quarrelling with the media, it is also quarrelling with the Church, the donors, civil society and everyone. That is why you even saw with the NGO Act.”

He wondered why the government went to the extent of even accusing donors and diplomats of funding Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that were calling for honking against the acquittal of former president Frederick Chiluba.

“It was out of anger that the Civil Society Organisations resorted to honking. You saw the minister [of home affairs Lameck Mangani] accusing CSOs of being paid by donors. Now after we resolve to temporarily suspend the honking, I am now wondering, is the minister going to accuse us of having been paid by the IG [Inspector General of police Francis Kabonde] because he had accused us that we were paid by the donors,” Rev Matyola said.

He said the government’s attacks on people and groupings with different views on national issues showed the problem with the current leadership.

“It is clear demonstration that what they are doing is wrong,” said Rev Matyola.

“Two days ago the minister of home affairs was on radio accusing CSOs. Instead of them accusing us, the minister or the President could have said ‘you 18 CSOs, instead of doing what you are doing, come here let us dialogue’. But they are quarrelling with everyone.”

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