
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

(HERALD) Labour arbitrators need re-orientation — Ncube

Labour arbitrators need re-orientation — Ncube
Business Reporter

INDUSTRY and Commerce Minister Professor Welshman Ncube has called for a re-orientation of labour arbitrators in order for them to appreciate the changing economic environment. The minister said that some of the arbitrators were still making determinations in wage disputes as if the country was still using the Zimbabwe dollar.

"The tendency has been that to take the middle of the park approach in wage negotiations where if workers want say 100 percent and employers are only able to afford 10 percent they award 55 percent," he said.

Professor Ncube said this while responding to a question on the country’s employment policy that was raised during the launch of the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industry’s manufacturing survey last week.

He said there was nothing wrong with the employment policies that are in place except that arbitrators need to undergo training to ensure that they appreciate the implication of their judgments.

This he said has adversely affected viability of most companies as in most instances the awarded percentages defies all economic sense.

Companies have in recent months complained about the high salary demands that workers have been asking from their employers.

According to a recent survey, salaries within the first half of the year rose by 72 percent.

However, the minister said that although he appreciated the employers’ concerns there was also need to look at the employees’ concerns and the reasons why they were making such demands.

He said that employers needed to explain the widening gap between salaries and perks for senior managers and those for the rest of the workforce.

The minister said that this has been the biggest issue that has been raised by most employees in their demand for salary hikes.

Bridging the gap between viability and affordability and the provision of a decent wage has been one of the key issues that the Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe has been trying to address under the decent work agenda.

The agenda recognises the need for employers to get decent salaries while at the same time it also recognises the need for companies to remain viable.

This essentially means that salaries and wage increases should be based on the viability of a company.
During the last Emcoz congress the employer’s grouping was mandated to engage the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions to arrive at a minimum salary level and companies could then offer bonuses depending on productivity.

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