Wednesday, October 14, 2009

(HERALD) MDC-T slammed over discrimination

MDC-T slammed over discrimination
Herald Reporter

THE Federation of Non-Governmental Organisations has slammed MDC-T for criticising the inclusion of former military officers on parastatal and other State companies boards.

In a statement, the president of the federation Mr Goodson Nguni said the Constitution does not allow for discrimination against past political or military affiliations.

"We have noted that at a national level the MDC has started a campaign to discriminate against soldiers who liberated this country by attempting to rubbish their participation in national roles like the constitution-making process and the appointment of highly-educated and experienced managers to various State boards," he said.

"We urge the MDC and its non-governmental affiliates not to provoke the nationalist war veterans. Our Constitution does not allow for discrimination because of past political or military activities." MDC-T has been highly critical of the appointment of former senior military officials to the boards of parastatals and State enterprises.

Government has stated that all personnel have been appointed on the strength of their professional expertise.

Mr Nguni also said his organisation was concerned with the move by Harare City Council to reorganise markets and hostels in Mbare without providing alternative vending places and accommodation.

"In Harare the city council is seeking to allegedly re-organise the city markets but in actual fact they would like to victimise the vendors whom they perceive as Zanu-PF supporters and replace them with MDC vendors.

"If there are any corrupt practices or there are persons with multiple stalls as alleged by the council, we urge council to give leases to the current stall occupiers and not evict them," said Mr Nguni. He added that a number of local authorities under MDC-T had passed several resolutions which negatively affected Zanu-PF members.

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