
Thursday, October 22, 2009

(HERALD) President hails revolutionary parties ties

President hails revolutionary parties ties
Herald Reporter

President Mugabe yesterday re-asserted the strong relations that exist between revolutionary parties in the Southern Africa region.

Speaking at a meeting with the visiting Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola delegation at State House yesterday, President Mugabe acknowledged the strong relations between Zanu-PF and the MPLA. President Mugabe is also the First Secretary of Zanu-PF.

"We would like to reaffirm the long standing relationship between the two parties," he said.

The MPLA delegation led by secretary-general Cde Juliao Mateus Paulo, consisted of the party’s secretary for international relations Cde Paulo Gorge and Cde Manuel Pedro Chavez, the head of Africa region.

Speaking after meeting President Mugabe, Cde Paulo said they would work to strengthen relations between Zanu-PF and the MPLA.

"We will continue working together to strengthen co-operation between our two parties," he said.

Cde Paulo said while the struggle against the colonial masters was over, there was, however, need for the parties to continue working for the development of the people.
He, however, said there was need to be wary of the imperialist agenda to remove revolutionary parties from power through propaganda activities.

The MPLA secretary-general paid tribute to President Mugabe for forming the inclusive Government with the MDC formations.

"We believe this is an effort by Zanu-PF to unite the people and it is for the people," he said.

On the reported visit to Angola by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, Cde Paulo said although they were not aware of the visit, his country would welcome the MDC-T leader.

"He will, (however), get a message of unity in Zimbabwe. We will not change and give him the wrong advice," he said.

Zanu-PF secretary for administration Cde Didymus Mutasa and Cde Kumbirai Kangai (secretary for external affairs) were among officials present when the visiting MPLA delegation met President Mugabe. The delegation, which earlier during the day met Vice President Joice Mujuru, also visited the National Heroes Acre.

MPLA and Zanu-PF officials met early this week and discussed ways to strengthen political and economic relations between the two parties.

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