
Sunday, October 25, 2009

(HERALD) Zanu-PF Harare Province report to be tabled

Zanu-PF Harare Province report to be tabled
Herald Reporters

A report on the restructuring of the Zanu-PF Harare Province will be tabled before the Politburo on Wednesday next week.

Infighting and factionalism between Cde Hubert Nyanhongo and Cde Amos Midzi, who are both vying for the provincial chairmanship, has affected the restructuring exercise.
The infighting has seen the province going for more than a year without substantive leadership.

In an interview yesterday, Cde David Karimanzira who is overseeing the restructuring process, said he was going to meet the national chairman Cde John Nkomo and acting political commissar Cde Richard Ndlovu, to update them on progress made so far.

"I will meet the national chairman and the commissar to update them on progress made in the restructuring process," he said.

Cde Karimanzira said after briefing Cde Nkomo and Cde Ndlovu, the issue would be referred to the co-ordinating committee.

The committee would then report to the Politburo on Wednesday.
In separate interviews yesterday, Cde Midzi and Cde Nyanhongo, said the restructuring exercise should be completed in time for the December congress.
Cde Nyanhongo said he was aware that the Politburo would be briefed on the matter on Wednesday.

"The matter would be brought before Politburo on Wednesday. The national chairman (Cde Nkomo) is handling it and he is going to sit down with the adhoc committee on Monday and discuss the issue. A report would then be tabled before Politburo on Wednesday," he said.

Cde Nyanhongo was confident that the restructuring exercise would be completed before congress.

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