
Friday, October 16, 2009

Kunda commends bodies regulated by law

Kunda commends bodies regulated by law
Written by Ernest Chanda
Friday, October 16, 2009 2:25:15 AM

VICE-PRESIDENT George Kunda yesterday commended professional bodies that are regulated by law. Officiating on behalf of President Rupiah Banda at the Zambia Institute of Human Resources Management (ZIHRM) 12th annual convention in Lusaka,
Vice-President Kunda said the best way to instill discipline in members is through a statutory body.

“I understand that your professional body is regulated by a statute. This is good. It is important that professional bodies are regulated by a statute, in that way you eliminate quacks. It also helps promote discipline among members. Even in our law profession, we have a professional body that regulates our conduct and it would be difficult for quacks to infiltrate. In fact in law, you cannot practise if you don't have a practising certificate,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“You should not be like some of these people who claim to be professionals but they don’t want to be regulated by statute. That is why they have been infiltrated by quacks and now they look disorganised. In organised professions, it is an offence to practise without a licence. For example, you cannot find an unqualified person giving injections in hospitals, it has to be a doctor or a nurse. Therefore, we encourage professional people to be regulated by statute. We are ready to provide statute and in that way you operate professionally.”

Vice-President Kunda urged human resource practitioners to promote social dialogue and industrial harmony between workers' organisations and employees.

He called on them to help fight corruption and review their HIV/AIDS work policies and help fight the pandemic.

“As you know corruption is top on the agenda in this country; it's the talk of the day. As a government we urge you to promote awareness among HR [Human Resource] practitioners and monitor implementation of the anti corruption policy and raise moral fortitude to fight the vices of corruption in the country. It is therefore virtually important for all HR practitioners to promote integrity at places of work and to establish integrity committees to detect and fight corruption at places of work,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“The other issue of great importance is your institute's strategic role in contributing to the reduction of HIV and AIDS prevalence rates. This requires your institute to reposition itself to scale up the fight against HIV and AIDS. You need to review the HIV and AIDS policies in work places and devise appropriate strategies for their successful implementation. These are cross-cutting issues linked to poverty reduction and economic growth.”

And ZIHRM president Namucana Musiwa said human resource was an essential asset for the development of any nation.

"We need to play a key role as business partners in developing HR policies and strategies which reinforce the achievement of business goals. Business goals include improved performance in all sectors of the national economy, successful implementation of HIV and AIDS policies at work places and programmes aimed at continuous improvement in work culture," Musiwa said.

"The achievement of such goals will give rise to accelerated wealth creation and growth in employment opportunities in the various sectors of our economy. The Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management will be in the forefront to welcome such development and a favourable business environment. This is because HR is about people and the people are the one single asset every nation needs for its overall development."

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