
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kunda won’t lose job to Saki

Kunda won’t lose job to Saki
By Chibaula Silwamba
Thu 22 Oct. 2009, 04:01 CAT

President Rupiah Banda yesterday said he has never contemplated replacing Vice-President George Kunda with opposition United Liberal Party president Sakwiba Sikota. And President Banda yesterday apologised to the nation over the fuel crisis and said he was upset that logistics for the importation of fuel products are below expectations.

Addressing a rare press conference at the Lusaka International Airport before departure to Uganda, President Banda swore that he had never contemplated removing Vice-President Kunda.

“Can I say this in front of God and all of you here that there was a figment of the imagination of the writer who wrote that thing. I have never contemplated that,” said President Banda, who was flanked by Vice-President Kunda.

“You can see we work together. I don't have two faces; I don't laugh with you when I don't mean it. This is my colleague. I chose him myself. I prayed to my God to guide me to select someone to assist me, as indeed I believe my predecessor did in the selection of me as Vice-President.”

President Banda said he took Vice-President Kunda's position very seriously.
“I have never contemplated that and I hope that you will believe me,” President Banda said. Mr Sakwiba Sikota is also a very good friend of mine. I have known him since I was a young man. His father was very dear to me, we worked together in UNIP and you know he Sikota campaigned with me. I travelled with him to America but that doesn't mean that it's… I know somebody, I am friendly to someone that I want to replace the one who is there. You will see it yourself. Why should you make an issue out of it?
“You will be there tomorrow and a day after tomorrow, next month, the other month, the month after that and you will see it is not correct.”
He said Vice-President Kunda was his colleague.
“And I am very grateful to him for the support that he gives me and also I am very grateful to him for the hard work that he puts in his position as Vice-President. That one was just a story; it was nice read but there is no importance,” said President Banda.

As President Banda assured that Vice-President Kunda would not lose his job, the Vice-President adjusted himself in the sofa with, seemingly, a sigh of relief and broadly smiled as he looked at President Banda.

And President Banda said he was aware that Zambians were upset about the fuel crisis but he had put in place measures to address the problem.
He said the nation had not been given an accurate picture about the fuel problem.

“My main reason for asking you to come here for this brief press conference is to make reference to the current shortage of petrol in the country. First of all allow me, ladies and gentlemen, to express my regrets with regards to the supply of petrol in the country. No well meaning person wants to see people being inconvenienced in this manner in which they have been over the last week,” President Banda said.

“That is why I would like to express my disappointment over the shortages experienced. I would like to apologise to the nation, especially the motorists for the inconvenience caused by the fuel shortage. I am particularly upset that logistics for the importation of fuel products are below expectations.”
President Banda said he had held several meetings with various stakeholders to find solutions to the fuel crisis.

“I had several meetings last week at State House to find these solutions. I had to personally get involved because the situation was not improving despite several assurances from the ministry concerned. While it is true that adequate supplies of petrol has been secured there have been delays in the arrival of the tankers for various reasons,” President Banda said. “I, therefore, direct the Minister of Energy and Water Development to ensure that the logistics surrounding the supply are strengthened immediately.”

President Banda said he expected the situation to normalise soon.
“In order to ensure adequate supplies of petrol, I have directed that the following measures be put in place: (1) That the Oil Marketing Companies, OMCs as we call them, be allowed to import additional supplies over and above supplies ordered by the Ministry of Energy and water Development; (2) that duties be waived for imports brought by the OMCs.

The statutory instrument (SI) will be issued very shortly;(3) that oil tankers carries supplies be expressed cleared at the border posts and no road blocks should obstruct the fluent movement of these trucks carrying fuel; and (4) I have instructed the Inspector General of Police to escort all tankers carrying fuel into the country to enable them reach the targeted destinations quicker,” President Banda said. “With these directives I have issued, I expect the supplies situation to normalise over the next few days.”

However, President Banda said punitive measures would not be taken against the people that caused the fuel shortage in the country.

“Let us see how it all plays out and besides let us not allocate blame. I know what you are referring to that there were statements made and they are different from what has happened but I don't want to mislead you and say that I am going to take punitive measures,” President Banda said.

“I really want to give people a chance to understand that they have responsibilities to the people and they know how upset you are and the population about this matter. That is why I have apologised to the country. However, let us leave the situation to develop and see where we go.”

President Banda dismissed allegations that he created the fuel shortage. He said those making such allegations were malicious and ridiculous.

“I have heard those accusations. I am sure you all agree that they are malicious. You know the son of mine that they keep referring to, for those who are older and know him, he has been in business for long, long time and it's not fair that because I am President suddenly he should not be allowed to participate,” President Banda. “As long as there is nothing wrong he is doing, or you are doing or any Zambian is doing that is my ambition that Zambians should participate but definitely you can see that the connection is ridiculous.

There is shortage of oil and they say that I have caused it so that my son can supply GMO. I hope that the Zambian people will see through this.”
President Banda rebuffed Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata for going round filling stations in Lusaka with a container looking for fuel.

“Nobody believes that Mr Sata goes to the line queue to buy fuel. He has never done that. This is just drama,” President Banda said. “That big people like myself should be seen carrying a jerrycan, ever since when? This was all stage managed and I would like to ask that we should refrain from this. He would like to be the next President and he should be serious about these matters. And also let us not disturb the people.”
President Banda said running the country and looking after the interests of people was a very serious business and Sata must not take it as a simple matter.

“Shortage of fuel… it's not the first time that it has happened. Zambian people have gone through all kinds of problems, some of you are very young and may not remember this. But we have always had problems with our country and our people have faced these problems with dignity. It's wonderful that we have our country, we are also together so peaceful,” President Banda said.

“I have apologised, I am very sorry that this had to happen, it surprised me too that the OMCs did not have the supplies and I established that they were allowed to get rid of their reserves which they are supposed to have before we repair the machinery in Ndola but let us take this matter seriously and not play simple politics.”

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