
Friday, October 09, 2009

Milupi likens Banda to a ‘naked emperor’

Milupi likens Banda to a ‘naked emperor’
Written by Kabanda Chulu
Friday, October 09, 2009 1:14:32 AM

LUENA independent member of parliament Charles Milupi has advised MMD ministers to tell President Rupiah Banda the truth about what is obtaining on the ground before the country witnesses the story of the Emperor's New Clothes.

And Milupi has challenged the MMD government to avoid hostility against the donor community, saying unnecessary quarrels are tantamount to abuse of power.

Contributing to debate on President Banda's speech to Parliament, Milupi on Wednesday said a Presidential speech must give direction and hope to people in the country.

“The Presidential speech must give comfort and generally uplift the mood in the country. But what is happening is like in the story of the emperor's new clothes whereby all his advisors and indunas couldn't tell the king the truth until a kid noticed that he was naked and the advisors knew that he was naked but they feared the consequences of telling him,” Milupi said.

“Like in this story, telling the truth should be the basis of discussing issues especially those issues of national importance and I urge ministers to tell the President the truth about what is obtaining on the ground rather than pleasing the emperor.”

As Milupi debated, some opposition parliamentarians said ‘Kunda na Mulongoti namumfwa’ - translated Vice-President George Kunda and works and supply minister Mike Mulongoti, you have heard the debate.

The Emperor's New Clothes is an 1837 story published by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen, and it talks about an emperor who cares more about entertainment than military pursuits and hires two swindlers to create a new suit of clothes for him and the swindlers told the emperor that the clothes would be invisible to anyone who is either stupid or unfit for his position.

The emperor could not see the [non-existent] clothes, but pretends that he can for fear of appearing stupid and his ministers and advisers do the same.

When the clothes were finished, the emperor went on a procession showing his new clothes until a small child cries out 'the emperor is naked!' However, the emperor held his head high and continued with the procession.

Milupi also commended the MMD Western provincial committee for their position on the issue of holding the convention.

“If we our parties have names bearing patriotic then members should be patriotic, if we the parties bear names democracy then its members should be democratic and people should be allowed to express views freely and if honking is such a way to express views, let people do it and you don't suppress views expressed in non-violent means like the way two honourable MPs did,” Milupi said.

He said donors would continue monitoring how their funds were being used.

“If we continue stretching our hands asking for aid, donors will also demand accountability and transparency unless we find ways of doing things on our own like having good policies that will ensure the country to reap profits from its natural resources to reduce donor dependency then we can say what we want,” said Milupi.

“But to avoid hostility, this MMD government should avoid unnecessary quarrels with the donor community because it is tantamount to abuse of power, just look at Zimbabwe and how the donors weakened it despite having a much stronger economy than ours.”

But MMD Mansa Central member of parliament Crispin Musosha said President Banda's character had taught him to be humble and not to respond when attacked.

Musosha praised President Banda for being a progressive leader and taking the country back to the NAMBOARD days of having plenty of fertilisers and agricultural inputs across the country.

Lupososhi MMD member of parliament Albert Mulonga said President Banda's government was a working one following the creation of the livestock and fisheries ministry that would ensure that the sectors were fully developed.

Lumezi MMD member of parliament Isaac Banda said President Banda's good ideas were now being implemented as could be seen from many projects taking place around the country.

He said the cash transfer scheme under the community and social development ministry was working well to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable people.

“In the two pilot districts of Katete and Petauke, K6.5 billion has been disbursed with over 4,000 beneficiaries in about 1,000 households,” said Banda.

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