
Thursday, October 08, 2009

(NEWZIMBABWE) AAG denies plot to 'molest' Moxon

AAG denies plot to 'molest' Moxon
by Lebo Nkatazo
08/10/2009 00:00:00

SUPA Mandiwanzira, the president of the black empowerment lobby, the Affirmative Action Group (AAG), says he is puzzled by claims made by the Kingdom Meikles Africa Limited (KMAL) chairman John Moxon that he fled Zimbabwe because the AAG wanted to “molest him”.

Moxon left Zimbabwe after he was “specified” under the country’s anti-corruption laws over allegations of “externalising” foreign currency.

Now based in South Africa, Moxon told SW Radio Africa last week that he left Zimbabwe after a friend warned him that he was “about to be molested” after a KMAL extra-ordinary AGM was called to complete a demerger which would see the group breaking ties with Kingdom Bank and depose CEO, Nigel Chanakira.

Moxon, alleging that Chanakira was in a league with the AAG, said: “We were told that Chanakira had motivated three members of the Affirmative Action Group to molest us, molest me, and I will give you their names right now.

“One was Philip Chiyangwa, next was a government minister as he is today, Saviour Kasukuwere, and the third one is Mandi, who is current chairholder for the Affirmative Action Group, Supa Mandiwanzira.”

In a statement issued Wednesday, Mandiwanzira said: “I wish to state categorically that neither the AAG nor myself have at any time since the KMAL saga came to public light - planned to do anything ulterior, let alone ‘molest’ John Moxon.

“The AAG or myself have absolutely no legal nor moral standing to take the law into their hands and harangue another Zimbabwean, more so an investor. The allegations that Moxon makes, admittedly from hearsay, are absolutely untrue as they are unfounded.”

Mandiwanzira said if indeed Moxon left Zimbabwe fearing attacks from the AAG, “he is free to come back into the country”.

He added: “I would also like to advise Moxon and anyone interested, that it has come to the attention of myself and the entire AAG leadership that some vultures circling around KMAL's assets (particularly Moxon's interests) are masquerading as good Samaritans shielding him from the AAG.

“These people, whose names we are withholding at this stage, are feeding Moxon with propaganda so they can instil fear in him to either give up his interests or curry favour with him as his battle with Chanakira intensifies.

“Taking advantage of AAG's old image, they are lying to him that the AAG has ill-intentions against him. I now state here as the AAG president that nothing could be further from the truth. Very soon, we may be forced to expose these individuals by name, to shame them.”

Mandiwanzira said the AAG, which has a history of radical actions to push the black empowerment agenda, “believes very strongly in property rights and does not and will not go around grabbing other people's businesses”.

He added: “Personally, I have no interest in KMAL and have no dog in the boardroom battles happening there. As president of AAG I do, however, call for sanity in the KMAL boardroom and that all matters be resolved amicably and fairly.”


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