
Friday, October 02, 2009

Reporters’ presence at meeting unsettles chief Nsefu

Reporters’ presence at meeting unsettles chief Nsefu
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Friday, October 02, 2009 8:25:25 AM

SENIOR Chief Nsefu of the Kunda people in Mambwe district was yesterday unsettled with the presence of reporters from newspapers at the Eastern Province chiefs council meeting aimed at electing representatives to the House of Chiefs.
And Eastern Province deputy permanent secretary Nicholas Banda said the government is concerned about succession wrangles in some chiefdoms in the province.

After the introduction of all the reporters who went to cover the official opening of the meeting, chief Nsefu asked the provincial local government officer Alex Bwalya to chase the reporters from newspapers because it was not their meeting.

As the guest of honour was rising to greet the chiefs, chief Nsefu whose main target was this author asked him to take his seat so that he could raise his point.

“This meeting is for the chiefs and we were not consulted on whether the reporters from newspapers should attend or not. Olo a President emupilikisha ula mzimai ku America so olo seo tubafuna lini aba banthu ama newspaper ayambepo (literally meaning, even the President [Rupiah Banda] chased that woman [Emmah Nakapizye] from America because he did not want her to be there so even here we don’t want them; let them go],” chief Nsefu said while his colleagues who seemingly disagreed with him kept quiet.

But Bwalya said the reporters were there to attend the official opening only and not the deliberations.

“The reporters are here to cover the official opening and after that they will excuse us,” said Bwalya.

Earlier during introductions of chiefs, chief Nsefu wanted Paramount Chief Mpezeni to be introduced before some junior chiefs who were on the other row which was contrary to the protocol procedures.

And Banda said the government was concerned about the succession wrangles that had taken many years because they hampered development.

He commended the outgoing members of the House of Chiefs for their valid and constructive deliberations in the house during their tenure of office.

Banda urged the chiefs to elect representatives who could contribute adequately to the deliberations of the house.

Eastern Province was represented by senior chief Nzamane, chief Jumbe and chief M’bang’ombe at the House of Chiefs.

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