
Monday, October 19, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) US openly admits funding Tsvangirai's office

COMMENT - The MDC is bought and paid for by Washington, is a regime change operation and has no interest in the future of Zimbabwe, other than as a colony for the west. I think that is pretty much clear. The United States is funding the opposition in Zimbabwe, exploiting and undermining the very democracy it pretends to encourage. Would it be acceptable for a US party to receive foreign funding? And would that not be seen as treason?

US openly admits funding Tsvangirai's office
Mon, 19 Oct 2009 02:46:00 +0000

THE United States government has openly admitted that it is directly funding a parallel government in Zimbabwe to effect regime change in the country.

Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson has openly admitted that the US is funding the MDC-T’s parallel government by providing funds to the Prime Minister’s Office.

The United States Agency for International Development (Usaid), through its acting assistant administrator for Africa, Earl Gast, also confirmed that the US government has been funding the PM’s Office.

In his testimony to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Sub-committee on Africa on September 30 2009, Carson pledged his support to advance US interests in Zimbabwe.

“Our assistance to Zimbabwe seeks to lay the groundwork for a return to democracy and prosperity by supporting democratic voices and civil society, including support to the Prime Minister’s Office for communications and other capacity building,” said Carson.

In his paper entitled “Exploring US Policy Options Towards Zimbabwe’s Transition” that he presented to the same sub-committee, Gast said: “In addition, funding has included support for civil society strengthening, support to help fulfill the terms of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) (e.g resources for the constitution-making process); programmes to demonstrate responsible governance (eg improving the public outreach capacity of the Office of the Prime Minister); assistance to non-governmental monitoring of compliance of all parties to the GPA; and support for independent media”.

It is understood that Nango (National Association of Non-Govermental Organisations) has already lined up seminars where it will start the process to monitor all the parties in the GPA.

Gast added: “The US$73 million in funding for Zimbabwe pledged by President Obama during Prime Minister Tsvangirai’s recent visit to the US includes significant inter-agency funding for HIV and Aids programmes in:

parliamentary strengthening, (US$2,4 million);
elections and constitution making (3,2 million);
rule of law (3,8 million);
consensus-building (2,7 million);
media (1,5 million);
victims of torture (1,9 million);
civil society/local government capacity building (5,8 million);
maternal and child health, including tuberculosis ($4,1 million); and
family planning (1,2 million).”

These revelations are set to shame the PM’s Office which has been refuting allegations that funding for its parallel government has been coming from the US government through Usaid

In addition to running the parallel government, the PM’s Office is publishing a newsletter that is under the charge of Andrew Chadwick and is receiving funding from the Usaid.

An African diplomat privy to the presentations that were made by the International Crisis Group, the Mercy Corps group, the US Treasury Department and the Usaid to the Subcommittee on African Affairs showed that US policy towards Zimbabwe is in a quandary.

The diplomat said under the George Bush administration, US policy towards Zimbabwe was shaped by ZIDERA whose main thrust was to attack President Robert Mugabe, attack the economy through sanctions and create and fund subversive organizations.

“But now with the MDC in Government, clearly that template is falling short because a continued attack on Zimbabwe through sanctions would mean that in the event of failure, the MDC would also be blamed.

“Presentations made to the subcommittee clearly show that the US is trying to adjust, in a fundamental way, its policy towards Zimbabwe,” said the diplomat.

The diplomat said the shift in policy was necessitated by the creation of the inclusive Government, the stabilization of the economy following measures announced in Minister Patrick Chinamasa’s budget, the re-engagement of Zimbabwe, the mounting campaign against sanctions and the fact that America “now has a listening post in Government through the MDC.”

Said the diplomat: “They want to fine tune the sanctions to make them targeted but also fine tune assistance to make it targeted. They want to have a target of destruction and a target of mitigation.

“The US will use the MDC as its listening post in Government and through the Multi Donor Trust Fund they will fund seminars that they will use to source data about the goings on in Government.”

The diplomat said the US government was now trying to enter into the Zanu PF stronghold – the farmers by providing funding for agriculture.

In recent weeks, farmers have been promised lots of funding from some NGOs raising suspicion that this was a ploy to “buy farmers and deliver them to the MDC in preparation for elections.”

In his presentation, Carson spoke about “our recent notification and consultation on new targeted programmes in the agriculture and education sectors.”

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