
Friday, October 09, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Mutambara slams BBC's ‘illogical political understanding’

Mutambara slams BBC's ‘illogical political understanding’
Philip Murombedzi
Thu, 08 Oct 2009 20:23:00 +0000

DEPUTY Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara has attacked the West for failing to lift illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.

Speaking to journalist Stephen Sackur on the BBC Programme ‘Hard Talk’ which aired today (Thursday), Mutambara said the West should be ashamed of their behaviour in supporting Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, but not members of his Council of Ministers, including Defense Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa and Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa.

“We want the world to give us a fighting chance,” said DPM Mutambara referring to the call for the lifting of sanctions against Zimbabwe.

“We want the West to remove whatever measures, sanctions they have imposed upon companies and organisations in Zimbabwe, upon individuals.

“The individuals from Zanu are now members of Tsvangirai’s team. They are team members of Tsvangirai. So when you put sanctions against Mnangagwa, or Chinamasa or whoever from Zanu, you are ostensibly imposing sanctions on Mr Tsvangirai.”

The DPM added: “Shame on you for illogical political understanding. How can you justify imposing sanctions on the people you support?
“We do not believe there’s value whatsoever for imposing sanctions.”

Former opposition MDC parties are sharing power with President Robert Mugabe.


The DPM quashed questions about why the two former opposition parties went into a coalition with Zanu PF.

“There’s nothing unique about what we are doing. If we can forgive the British for colonialism and slavery, why can’t we work together in Zimbabwe?” said the DPM.

“This arrangement was supported by Sadc (Southern African Development Community) and the AU. You cannot work without African support. We encourage the West to support this government.”

The DPM added, “We are on our way to the Promised Land through the GPA” and our problems “are not surmountable”.

Sackur suggested that there were structural problems in the inclusive Government, and that is why President Mugabe was still being addressed as “The Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Forces and Supreme Leader of Zanu PF”. In response, the DPM said the BBC cherishes bad news and does not talk about the optimism expressed by PM Tsvangirai.

“Why are you sceptical about the GPA? The leaders of Zimbabwe are the authority on Zimbabwe, not Gordon Brown, not Obama. They should listen to us. Sanctions were put to support the ‘democratic forces’ in our country and those ‘democratic forces’ are now in Government. So what purpose do these sanctions serve?”

Mutambara added that the “BBC’s logic” that the two MDC’s should walk away over “outstanding issues” was very twisted.

“The logic that we should walk away when faced with challenges, is very twisted.”

Quizzed on why there was still corruption in Zimbabwe after the formation of the inclusive Government, DPM Mutambara said, “Corruption is not unique to Zimbabwe. Corruption is a problem in every country including your own, so that’s an irrelevant question.”

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