
Monday, October 26, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Nestlé Zimbabwe should close shop, says AAG

Nestlé Zimbabwe should close shop, says AAG
Our reporter
Sun, 25 Oct 2009 20:37:00 +0000

THE Affirmative Action Group (AAG), the vanguard of black economic empowerment in Zimbabwe, has condemned the decision by Nestlé Zimbabwe to stop buying milk from Gushungo Dairy Estate on the pretext that the First Family's business is under so-called targeted sanctions.

In a statement released to the Zimbabwe Guardian on Sunday, the pressure group said if Nestlé cannot buy milk from Gushungo Dairy Estate, a company run by Zimbabwe's First Family, they "should close shop in this country as the action is an affront to black economic empowerment and an unacceptable spate on the champions of Zimbabwe’s liberation and economic emancipation."

Nestlé Zimbabwe stopped buyig milk from Gushungo Dairy Estate under pressure from the west.

The company has its headquarters in Switzerland, a non-EU country, and consequently is not obliged to comply with the sanctions regime imposed by the EU.

The international food giant had first started buying milk on a temporary basis in early 2009. This was because a local privatized marketing firm which controls much of the milk industry in the country was unable to make purchases during the economic crisis.

"The First Family cannot be made to pay a heavy price on their unwavering commitment to the economic liberation of Zimbabweans," read the statement.

"They are being made to pay dearly for their efforts to give black Zimbabweans land and as AAG, we will not accept any attempt to victimize the President and his family for having fought for liberating blacks in the mind and economically.”

The group said while it saluted Nestlé for keeping its investments in Zimbabwe even under difficult economic times, it was shocked that the company could buckle under pressure from "Rhodesian right wing elements" who are so desperate to destabilize Zimbabwe's inclusive Government.

"It must be noted that Gushungo (Dairy Estates) is not stealing the milk, but it is providing it through hard work and honest means.

"To stop buying from the company on the basis of illegal sanctions against the First Family is not only immoral, but a serious violation of our country’s laws which are clear on discrimination.

“If Nestlé is convinced about its actions, then it must stop doing business in Zimbabwe because the first family is also likely to be buying its products.

"If they cannot buy from Gushungo Dairy Estates, how can they operate in an environment were the First Family is going to buy its products”? asked AAG.

Last week, AAG President Mr Supa Mandiwanzira said the organisation would soon be taking legal action against Nestlé Zimbabwe. He added that the company should be indigenised to avoid such actions in the future.

AAG called upon the United States, Britain and the rest of the EU to lift illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe. The group also urged all Zimbabweans to speak "clearly and louder against them."

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