
Monday, October 12, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Who is to blame for the global financial crisis?

Who is to blame for the global financial crisis?
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:50:00 +0000

THE West is doing exactly what it is now criticising Reserve Bank Governor Dr. Gideon Gono for - printing of money out of thin air. This is called Quantitative Easing in the West.

At least Dr. Gono printed the Zimbabwean dollar with the knowledge that Zimbabwe is endowed with rich mineral resources. The unanswered question to date is what has been the real factor behind the global financial crisis that has emanated from the West?

Can this crisis have been deliberately engineered as a pretext to usher in the new world order?

In the West, businesses are shutting down, many workers are being laid off and house repossesions are on the rise. With all the best financial and economic brains in the West (as they like to tell us natives), why has the global financial crisis taken root?

Was it due to poor financial/economic policies and mismanagement on the part of the rulers in the West? Was it corruption and greed?

The countries in the West that are reeling under the impact of the global financial tsunami are not under sanctions like Zimbabwe.

What's going on?

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