Monday, October 26, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu PF complicit in MDC-T ascent

COMMENT - Even more than lacking a strategy (like the ANC never did), the MDC is suffering from internalcontradictions because of varying interests they represent. The corporate lobby and white farmers lobby have been at odds since colonialism began, even though they collaborated to a great degree. With their money, they have crowded out the labour organisations. Their goal of neoliberal economic policy (deregulation, privatisation and corporate free markets) are directly opposed to the interests of labour, their original constituency. In fact the MDC was created to oppose the very policies (ESAP) now pushed by the MDC. This is why they can't come out with a coherent economic strategy. The strategy they want to implement would make them as unelectable as the general knowledge that THEY are responsible for the sanctions that have destroyed the Zimbabwean currency - to facilitate their rise to power.

Zanu PF complicit in MDC-T ascent
*Prince Kahari - Opinion
Mon, 26 Oct 2009 17:07:00 +0000

THE news headlines have been dominated by the MDC-T's supposed pullout from the inclusive Government. Whatever one thinks of the Zanu PF, MDC-T, MDC-M, Mavambo-Kusile-Dawn, Democratic Party, etc they are all political parties and they have a right to their views as long as they are within the law of the land.

Any party that criticises another for not representing the masses, and does not do so itself, is doing its supporters a disservice. Many political parties often end up resembling each other.

Anyway I digress, the point I intended to make was that the MDC-T party has become more successful in recent years for one reason and one reason only, and in my opinion, it is nothing to do with the MDC-T's policies or approach.

The reason for their rise is the failure of Zanu PF to live up to its name and its principles. President Mugabe summed it up during last year's campaign when he said his Cabinet was the worst since independence.

At a campaign meeting at the International Conference Centre last year, President Mugabe said Zanu PF leadership was "sleeping on the job".

Simply put, they failed to represent the interests of the general public. The majority of people in Zimbabwe have become completely disillusioned with politics and this means that a small number of them have shown their disillusionment and frustration by voting for the MDC-T, even though it has no blueprint to offer to the country, apart from Biti's now defunct "RESTART" document, a document he never refers to as Finance Minister.

Only just over 60% of people voted at the last Harmonised Election. There is just so little choice for voters if leaders of a liberation party don't pull up their socks and defend their gains.

There is nothing to choose apart from Zanu PF, that is rooted in key policy areas. The MDC-T party is simply a party of protests, devoid of policy and lacking in strategy.

That's why they were a perennial opposition party until they got into the inclusive Government aided by the west.

For example as regards health, the MDC-T wants to privatise that sector. Eddie Cross, ironically MDC-T's policy co-ordinator said so. He wants to continue to waste millions in continuing the same deeply flawed market based reforms that saw Simba Makoni fired as Finance Minister.

This increases the cost of provision and most rural households will not be able to access the provision.

The MDC-T wants to outsource Zimbabwean companies to foreigners and leave the black majority unempowered. The liberation struggle was about land and empowerment.

Zanu PF has a track record in fighting for these values. They now need to show action, if not through the current crop of leaders, then through a new kind.

Our political system is corrupt and the MDC-T, a western-backed party, will continue to prosper until the liberation politicians start to mend their ways.

Zanu PF should remedy this situation soon.

More and more power is being surrendered to the MDC-T leadership that has no clue about statecraft and whose politics is rooted in what Zanu PF has failed to do. This is dangerous. Protest politics has no place in Africa, and Zimbabwe.

Zanu PF complicitness in furthering the fortunes of the MDC-T is yet more fuel to the fire of resentment and frustration that is felt by a large percentage of the electorate that believes in the politics of liberation preached by President Mugabe.

Simply put, Zanu PF is complicit in raising MDC-T's fortunes.

*Prince Kahari writes from London, UK. He can be contacted via

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