
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zim ready to re-engage west, Pres Mugabe

Zim ready to re-engage west, Pres Mugabe
Ranganai Chidemo
Wed, 07 Oct 2009 05:33:00 +0000

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe said on Tuesday that Zimbabwe was ready for "fresh and cooperative relations" with Western nations that have previously imposed illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe.

Officially opening the Second Session of the Seventh Parliament, President Mugabe said: "Our country remains in a positive stance to enter into fresh and cooperative relations with all those countries that have been hostile to us in the past."

"Our re-engagement with the EU bloc is gathering momentum," he added.

The EU last month sent a high-level delegation to Zimbabwe to meet with President Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai. The president told parliament that ties with the EU were improving, but repeated his call for the bloc to end sanctions on Zimbabwe.

"As our inclusive Government re-engages the western countries, we expect those countries that have imposed illegal sanctions, which have hurt and continue to hurt our economy and the generality of our people, to remove them," he said.

The European Union and the United States have imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe. Other measures imposed include trade restrictions with selected Zimbabwean companiesa and travel bans and asset freezes on President Mugabe, his family and around 200 others in the previous administration.

President Mugabe says sanctions have undermined Zimbabwe's economy, which has been decimated for the better part of the last ten years. The opening ceremony at parliament was the first since the formation of the inclusive Government and was attended by PM Tsvangirai and deputy prime minister Arthur Mutambara. President Mugabe also told parliament that Zimbabweans should "build bridges" to work together to revive the economy.

“Let us continue to work hard, purposefully and united in all our socio-economic sectors. Together let us build bridges of amity, forgiveness, trust and togetherness.

"Let us be the Zimbabwe united in body, mind and spirit. Only that way can we really succeed,” said President Mugabe.

The inclusive Government has appointed a national reconciliation panel to lead a process to ease political tensions in the ountry. Bills to come under discussion during the new session of parliament include a mining bill that would compel miners to "use or lose" their claims.

The President said several bills which include the Audit Process bill, the Public Finance Management bill, Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill and the National ICT bill, among others, will be tabled before parliament during the session.

“Amendment to the Education Act to address the method of payment of fees and levies as well as the role of parents and School Development Committees, will be tabled for consideration by Parliament during this Session,” noted the President.

He said the three principals to the Global Political Agreement recently agreed that the six negotiators, two each from Zanu PF and the MDC-T and MDC-M, will form the constitution making organs management committee responsible for formulating the policy direction of the process.

President Mugabe said government will continue to monitor agriculture, mechanisation and irrigation development to boost the coming cropping season, in addition to availing the US$210 million facility for inputs.

Turning to the issue of civil servants’ salaries, the President asked them to be patient until the government has enough resources.

“Government is deeply concerned over the current situation where public servants have to eke out a living from meagre remuneration.

"The preferred situation is one where the salaries and allowances of public servants are benchmarked against the poverty datum line. This will be undertaken as soon as the resources become available.

"I, therefore, appeal to public servants to remain patient as the necessary arrangements are being put in place,” added the President.

He appealed to stakeholders to work together in addressing the upsurge in road accidents, adding that government will introduce measures to curb the carnage which has claimed lives across the country.

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