
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zimbabwe, beware blood money for land audit

Zimbabwe, beware blood money for land audit
* Petros Nyanga - Opinion
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 00:10:00 +0000

THE government of Zimbabwe should not accept land audit "blood money" from the European Union. The EU should audit land in Europe and not in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabweans have been told over and over again that the real reason behind the impasse between Zimbabwe and the EU/UK/US and their allies has been about land. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany was the first one to let the cat out of the bag about the land reforms.

She said "expropriated land" had to be returned to the whites; ignoring years of plunder by the whites and dispossession of blacks from their lands.

Those Zimbabweans who think the West is interested in upholding human and property rights in Zimbabwe are very naive. Zimbabwe was under a British dictatorship for almost 100 years and the rights of black Zimbabweans were non-existent.

Is it not odd that thirty years after independence, the same British government is crying out for the upholding of the human rights of Zimbabweans, which it failed to do during its almost 100 years of colonial rule?

The West wants Zimbabwean lands and its minerals.

The West is also playing its geo-political games with China over Zimbabwe and the Southern African region. Zimbabweans are being used as cannon fodder in these games and the MDC-T is the local proxy for the West in such games.

The West should be told in no uncertain games that land reforms in Zimbabwe are irreversible.

The Liberation War in Zimbabwe was about getting back our land and was not about freedom of the press and all that "nonsense".

* Petros Nyanga is a pseudonym for a Zimbabwe Guardian contributor

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