
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zimbabweans should focus on development

Zimbabweans should focus on development
Samson Kruschener - Opinion
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 18:09:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - Zimbabweans have been polarised by politicians for a very long time. The two main parties in the country have divided the country into two camps; and have hence forgotten about the honourable role they should play as citizens.

We should all focus on the development of the country to better the lives of our people. It does not matter what colour skin one is. We all are Zimbabweans at the end of the day. We should all now move on and focus on the urgent task of nation building.

Legislators should also now ensure that they come up with legislation that enables this task to be made possible. Mining legislation and legislation on foreign direct investment should be revised to allow development to take place. Monetary and fiscal policies should be designed to allow investment by foreigners and locals alike.

The country is endowed with many natural resources that need tapping. Each and every Zimbabwean should take a personal audit and see what contribution they are making to the development of the country.

Unless we all pull together we can never tap the wealth that we have: in mining, tourism and industry.

We have the right kind of infrastructure. We just have to focus and start working together.
* Samson Kruschener

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