
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vioneni vimasilu! Onani! Onani!, Banda derides PF MPs in Kasama

Vioneni vimasilu! Onani! Onani!, Banda derides PF MPs in Kasama
Written by Chibaula Silwamba in Kasama
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 4:21:49 AM

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has described PF members of parliament as mad people after they drove on Kasama-Mporokoso road near the venue where he was addressing a campaign rally on Monday. And President Rupiah Banda said he would have voted for the Michael Sata-led Patriotic Front (PF) in the 2006 elections if he was a resident of Chilongoshi in Kasama.

Meanwhile, Northern Province minister John Chinyanta has accused Kasama mayor Fidelis Chishoma of stealing about K23.3 million public funds meant for development projects in his ward.

President Banda made derogatory remarks against PF parliamentarians Mwenya Musenge (Nkana East Constituency), Elfridah Mwamba (Lukashya Constitue-ncy) and other PF campaigners when they drove past Chilongoshi, where the head of state was holding a campaign rally, along the Kasama-Mporokoso road.

As the three vehicles belonging to PF drove past Chilongoshi while the parliamentarians and others on board flashed the PF symbol, President Banda instantly shouted: “Vioneni vimasilu! Onani! Onani! [Look at those mad people! Look! Look!]”

After President Banda shouted in his Chewa dialect, his interpretor identified as Kapungwe interpreted the statement into Bemba: “Ati fimoneni ififuntile fileya uko. Namakofi filichitefi, nani felefwaya ukuma pano? [The President says see those mad people displaying their fists. Who do they want to beat here?]

President Banda said the PF members wanted to see if people had attended his rally.

“You saw our friends passing here just to have a peep and see whether you turned up for the meeting. Thank you for coming and showing them that you have come to pay attention to our message,” President Banda said.

He also said he would have voted for the PF in 2006 if he was resident because Sata had convinced the people of Kasama that the whole country would vote for him and his party.

“They managed to convince you, they told you stories and things that made you believe that the rest of the country had gone PF,” said President Banda, adding: “If I was living here at Chilongoshi, most probably I would have also voted for PF, God forbid. I would have done it! But now we know the truth. Everybody here knows the truth. When the results of the elections came out in 2006 it became clear that the rest of the provinces of Zambia did not pick PF.”

President Banda told the gathering that Sata was scared of him.

“Mr Sata will never be at the same place as I am at the same time. As soon as he hears that the President is coming, he takes the shortest cut out of the place to run away. He was invited to Ukusefya Pangwena and he was here in Kasama but he heard that I was coming because I had also been invited. He couldn’t go there, he went to a small room in the darkroom just peeping to hear the results of the ceremony. He doesn’t go anywhere where I go. He is scared of me. He is the snake but he is scared of me a human being. Now how can you be a President if you are scared to appear in public?” President Banda said.

Just last month, President Banda and Sata posed for photographs while cracking jokes during the funeral of local government minister Benny Tetamashimba at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka. They also did the same at the funeral of Sata’s grand-daughter in Lusaka.

President Banda also encouraged members of various political parties to attend his and opposition political parties’ leaders to do so that they could listen to their messages and make informed decisions.

At the same rally, MMD candidate Burton Mugala said he placed his “buttocks on President Banda” because he was the only one with money for development.

At another rally at Mumana Lupando, President Banda accused Kasama mayor Chishoma of stealing public funds.

“When I arrived here, I was told that you elected a councillor [now mayor Chishoma] here who has eaten your money,” President Banda said. “Don’t vote for them.”

Since his arrival on Saturday, President Banda has repeatedly expressed anger at Chishoma over his forewarning to him last week that he should expect a hostile reception in Kasama.

And Chinyanta accused Chishoma of stealing money meant for development in his ward.

“Your councillor Mr Chishoma is our mayor. Now listen, the government sent you K15 million for road rehabilitation but that project was not done. We sent you K8.3 million for the construction of a market but nothing has been done,” Chinyanta said. “We are with the Minister of Finance here. He has given us K600 million for CDF, make sure you elect upright leaders; Don’t elect people who will steal your money. Don’t elect someone like the mayor who steals your money. Be careful! 15th October vote Mugala!” Chinyanta said only the government could develop the area and not Mwamba.

“Mwamba is bosting that he is the 10th richest person in Zambia but how come he has failed to build the palace for his relative chief Mukonge,” said Chinyanta.

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