
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Aka is using State House to fight Litunga – Namakando

Aka is using State House to fight Litunga – Namakando
By George Chellah
Thu 19 Nov. 2009, 04:01 CAT

INSULTING the Litunga and the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) will make the MMD even more unpopular in Western Province, chairman of the dissolved MMD Western province executive committee Simasiku Namakando warned yesterday.

Commenting on the resolution by the recent MMD caucus, which blamed him and the Litunga for the ruling party’s recent fall-out in the province, Namakando accused President Rupiah Banda’s political advisor Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika of misleading the President on what was happening in the MMD.

“Akashambatwa is using State House to fight the people of Western Province and to fight the Litunga. The Litunga is not involved in politics. In our tradition the Litunga does not campaign, the Litunga does not talk about politics. So involving him in what is happening in the MMD is an insult to the people of Western province. We know that Akashambatwa has been fighting the Litunga from the beginning,” Namakando said. “He wanted to become the Litunga. When he was rejected by the people he kept on fighting the Litunga and fighting the people of Western Province. He should not involve the Litunga. The dissolution of the MMD provincial executive committee in Western Province does not involve the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE). This was a careless move, which was done by some leaders in the MMD.”

Namakando said the people of Western province would not take it kindly for those that were insulting the Litunga and the BRE.
“They are aggravating the situation and making the party even more unpopular. You don’t insult the Litunga and his Kuta. I don’t think there is a politician from Western Province who will support Akashambatwa to attack the Litunga. The President must protect MMD by not allowing disgruntled people like Akashambatwa to destroy the MMD,” he said.

Namakando appealed to Akashambatwa to respect the Litunga.
“Let him not use State House to fight his own Litunga. When the President came for Kuomboka, he didn’t go to Lealui first. He went to see Akashambatwa’s mother first then in the afternoon that’s when he went to Limulunga and yet he was the Litunga’s guest, that’s an insult!

Akashambatwa will make the President unpopular,” Namakando said. “Insulting the Litunga is worsening the situation. Let them talk about Namakando because Namakando is a politician and he will answer back. As a man from Western Province, I will make sure that we fight for the province and protect the BRE. Anybody who involves the Litunga, we will not take that lightly. We will fight him.”
Namakando said blaming the Litunga was total indiscipline for a man who hailed from Western Province.

“If they are failing to develop Western Province, let them not blame anybody. We want development in Western Province. We want our roads tarred and we want the Mongu-Kalabo road done, the bridges here they must find money. We want the Senanga-Sesheke Road done and we want the Shang’ombo Road tarred, that is our argument,” Namakando said.

“When we talk about development we are not fighting the MMD. Akashambatwa is weakening the MMD. He is using State House to weaken the party because he was not given the position, which he wanted of vice-president. If the President is not careful the party will be weakened before he runs away.

The people of Western Province will fight for what is right. There is not even a single project which they are working on now, all these projects where left by the late Mwanawasa…Most of the people in the NEC are in Lusaka but they have failed to organise the party in Lusaka… Sata is running Lusaka and the Copperbelt.

Now Akashambatwa wants to destroy the MMD in Western Province,” Namakando said. “I will keep calling for the convention. He said something about the convention in Solwezi but we want the President to set the dates. I am happy that some of the people who attended this workshop told them that if we don’t go for a convention our party will be unpopular.”

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