
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Chibuluma Mine fires MUZ branch executive

COMMENT - This is outrageous. Workers have the right to strike.

Chibuluma Mine fires MUZ branch executive
By Mutuna Chanda in Kitwe
Sun 01 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

CHIBULUMA Mine management has fired the entire Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) branch executive for allegedly inciting workers to strike recently.

In an interview, MUZ general secretary Oswell Munyenyembe said the five officials, who are employees of the mine, were dismissed on grounds that they incited a one-day work stoppage at the firm in September.

Munyenyembe said MUZ was yet to meet management over the matter and that he would travel to the mine next Monday.

Sources at Chibuluma mine expressed concern over management's unilateral decision to fire the union officials on grounds that they incited workers.

The sources expressed dismay that Chibuluma Mine management had gone back on its word after it committed to an amnesty not to victimise any of the workers in connection with the one-day work stoppage.

During improved conditions of service negotiations, workers downed tools on September 15, disrupting production at the Mine owned by Metorex of South Africa.

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