
Monday, November 16, 2009

(HERALD) Biti is being hypocritical

Biti is being hypocritical

EDITOR — I am at pains writing this letter because the biggest perception about me is that I am an MDC-T member. Such a perception is wrong, but I am not very worried about that because as a grown-up man I can handle it. I am an independent person, neither MDC-T nor Zanu-PF.

I write in response to Tendai Biti’s attack on The Herald’s story that suggested he and party president Morgan Tsvangirai were on a collision course over the issue of sanctions.

I am not privy to your sources, but I can confirm that the story is true. If there has been a change of heart from Biti then he must just say so.

On April 26 this year, Biti met with Zimbabwean citizens in Washington, DC at an Ethiopian restaurant.

At that gathering, he argued that the sanctions against Zimbabwe were hurting the country. I am not an economist, but he raised the issue of clearance that was being blocked by sanctions. A prominent Zimbabwean woman told Biti in his face that he was wrong in arguing for the lifting of sanctions because these were targeted not sanctions on Zimbabwe, but Biti was adamant that Zimbabwe was under economic sanctions to the surprise of the gathered Zimbabweans.

He said if Zimbabwe was to move forward economically, sanctions had to be lifted.

As a responsible citizen, I would not want to sit back and regret that I should have raised this issue with my countrymen so they can make an informed decision.

To know Tsvangirai’s position just go back to his response when Giles Mutsekwa told a recent forum that economic sanctions were hindering police from effectively discharging their duties.

So people might ask why I am bringing the Washington discussion up now. Well, Biti’s posturing disgusted me.

His appearance on all news channels denying that he ever advocated the lifting of sanctions and attacking The Herald for raising this issue was hypocritical.

MDC-T claims to be ‘‘a party of excellence’’ and therefore has to stand up for the truth, nothing but the truth.

Biti must either declare a change of heart or immediately stop his deceptive media blitz.

Baghdad, Iraq.

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