
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

(HERALD) Biti treading dangerous ground

Biti treading dangerous ground

EDITOR — There is an old saying that a little knowledge is dangerous. Finance Minister Tendai Biti’s shenanigans have given Zimbabweans the full import of this saying.

The Nobel-winning French writer, Albert Camus, once observed: "Stupidity has a knack of getting its way; as we should see if we were not always so much wrapped up in ourselves."

Personally, my experience of life has taught me that clever people and dull people are harmless. It is the dull who think they are clever that are dangerous. Otherwise how does Biti, a lawyer who claims to be the leading light of the "party of excellence", show so much ignorance about the effects of economy-wrecking programmes like HIPC which are a devious cover for transferring developing world resources to greedy Western corporations whose cooking of the books brought on the current world economic recession?

How does a man who has been called the "best finance minister in Africa" by the Western imperialists not know that best practice in the world is that central banks, even in England, are now supposed to be inured against political or outside interference?

How can Biti craft a Bill seeking to give him powers over the Reserve Bank which would make a fascist or communist dictator green with envy?

He even wants our banks to seek approval for bridging loans of two to three hours, which he, presumably, would give while he is playing golf with his Western handlers!

Zimbabweans, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Phineas Mpofu.

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