Thursday, November 19, 2009

(HERALD) Civil servants get bonuses

Civil servants get bonuses
By Fortious Nhambura

CIVIL servants have started getting their annual bonuses with the education sector and the uniformed forces receiving their 13th cheques this month while the rest of the civil service will get the extra cash next month. The bonuses are based on October salaries, which averaged about US$150.

Public Service Minister Eliphas Mukonoweshuro yesterday confirmed that the Government had resolved to pay its workers an annual bonus this year. He said the payments would be staggered over November and December, with those in the education sector and the uniformed forces getting their dues first.

"Yes, our civil servants will be getting their annual bonuses for this year. The bonuses will be staggered with some of them having started getting their dues this month. The rest will get them next month.

"I hope everyone will agree that the Government is experiencing some fiscal problems and that is why we have decided to stagger the payment of bonuses," he said.

Presenting his mid-year budget review statement in July, Finance Minister Tendai Biti commended civil servants for their resilience and awarded them a salary increment coupled with a bonus.

The Public Service Commission recently wrote to the Ministry of Finance seeking to ensure the promise was fulfilled.

"The Minister of Finance made an undertaking on the payment of bonus for the year 2009 in the mid-year fiscal policy.

"In view of the foregoing, could you please advise the commission on the payment modalities?" a PSC official wrote to Secretary for Finance Mr Willard Manungo.

The request was granted.

Sources at the Salary Service Bureau said the uniformed forces would get their bonuses this week while those in the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs would get them next month.

Civil servants yesterday welcomed the bonus, saying although it was not much, it would help them meet critical expenses with a little left over for a bit of Christmas cheer.

Mrs Rutendo Macheka, a Glen View teacher, said: "I have just withdrawn part of my earnings and am pleased that the Government has honoured its pledge and given us a bonus.

"What is most heartening is that the money is not eroded by inflation. Now Government should ensure shops do not increase prices like they did in the past," she said.

An officer in the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs said while the bonus was welcome, it was time Government reviewed civil servants’ salaries.

"We are not happy because salaries are still low and we would have wanted the Government to increase them so that they adequately cover our needs.

"I hope the Government will look into our plight in the forthcoming budget.

"Revenue inflows have been improving and the economy is stable, so they should give us an increment, hopefully for January when finances tend to be generally tight," he said.



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