
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

(HERALD) Municipal police abusing powers

Municipal police abusing powers

EDITOR — Allow me to highlight my own experiences over the excesses of the Harare Municipal Police.

On October 14, I was on my way to work and a workmate who had missed the staff bus waved me down. I was driving in the outer lane and stopped for him at a designated bus stop which I was later informed was only meant for staff buses (even though there is no information to that effect). In the car with me was my daughter who was running late for school.

Immediately after stopping, a municipal police officer forced his way onto the front seat of my car squashing my daughter. He did not even identify himself and demanded my car keys accusing me of stopping to unlawfully pick up passengers for profit.

I tried to explain that I had stopped for a workmate and the other passenger was my daughter, but to no avail (even after producing IDs).

I then decided to give my daughter US$1 for transport since it was obvious that I was going to be delayed and for municipal cop that was evidence that I was refunding the fare.

To cut a long story short, I was then given an option to drive to Trafalgar Court or to wait for the Wrecker. I opted for the former and was made to pay a fine of US$65 (receipt number 0780023952).

However, because I insisted on my innocence and wanted to go to court they altered the penalty to obstruction of traffic on a designated bus stop.

If left unchecked, these municipal cops can really turn into a monstrous force. I urge the responsible authorities to give the officers’ basic training in law enforcement and public relations.

C. Musarurwa.

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