Wednesday, November 25, 2009

KCM maintains measures against ‘riotous’ employees

KCM maintains measures against ‘riotous’ employees
By Zumani Katasefa in Kitwe
Wed 25 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

KONKOLA Copper Mines has stated that the disciplinary measures taken against employees suspected to have participated in the recent industrial unrest is critical in the maintenance of law and order and industrial harmony.

In a statement yesterday, KCM corporate affairs manager Rahul Kharkar advised employees undergoing disciplnary actions to appeal against their verdicts as provided for under the law.

"Apart from the damage done in and outside the plant area, another regrettable result of the disturbances is that certain employees suspected to have taken part in the rioting are being subjected to the due disciplinary process as set out in the Company's Code of Conduct," stated Kharkar.

"Others arrested by Zambia Police on suspicion of breaching the Laws of the land are being put through the due judicial process. KCM views both processes as critical in the maintenance of law and order as well as industrial harmony and will not interfere in the outcomes any way.

"Employees who feel aggrieved by the outcome of the processes against them are free to appeal against the verdicts as provided for in both the Company's Disciplinary Code and the Laws of Zambia (for those appearing before courts)."

Kharkar stated that KCM was committed to improving the conditions of service for its union-represented employees.

He said KCM management had pledged to continue to work with mine unions to resume salary negotiations as soon as the situation normalised and complete peace had returned to the plant (Nchanga Integrated Business Unit).

The negotiations which according to Kharkar were suspended by mutual consent between the workers' representatives and KCM management, were set to resume yesterday.

Last week Nchanga member of parliament Wylbur Simuusa advised KCM to stop firing its workers and instead work to address the workers' concerns.

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