
Monday, November 23, 2009

KK urges preservation of environment

KK urges preservation of environment
By Speedwell Mupuchi
Mon 23 Nov. 2009, 04:01 CAT

DR Kenneth Kaunda on Saturday said reckless and irresponsible human activity is largely to blame for the rampant deforestation in the country.

Speaking at Nkana Golf Club on Saturday where he officiated at a tree planting and environmental awareness initiative organised by the Rotery Club of Kitwe North and supported by Mukuba Pension Trustees Limited, Citizens for a Better Environment, Copperbelt University and the Zambia Forestry College, Dr Kaunda said people had a duty and responsibility to preserve the environment for their sake and that of the future generation.

He noted that deforestation was taking place at alarming rates due to reckless and irresponsible human activity.

“It is therefore reasonable to assume that since this is due to our irresponsible behaviour, we can reverse this trend as citizens of the world,” he said.

Dr Kaunda noted the negative effects deforestation had on climatic conditions, agriculture and development in general.

He also noted that in 1992, the international community, concerned about effects of global warming, adopted a framework convention on climate change at the United Nations Conference on environment and development in Rio de Jenairo in Brazil which detailed potential human induced global warming and urged countries to take appropriate measures.

Dr Kaunda said it was almost two decades now since that conference yet not much progress had been achieved in arriving at environmentally friendly mechanisms.

He noted that the world had enough capacity and knowledge and resources to address deforestation but lacked the will and determination to move.
Dr Kaunda urged governments and industries to do what was necessary to prevent global warming.

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