
Monday, November 16, 2009

MMD cadres brake into Post reporter’s room in Solwezi

MMD cadres brake into Post reporter’s room in Solwezi
By Staff Reporters
Mon 16 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

SUSPECTED MMD cadres broke into Post reporter Mutuna Chanda’s room at Floriana Lodge in Solwezi between Saturday night and the early hours of Sunday morning.
Chanda is in Solwezi covering pre-election campaigns ahead of the Solwezi Central by-election due on November 19.

Chanda left the lodge around 21:00 hours on Saturday night for nocturnal operations and returned at 01:50 hours only to find that thieves had broken into his room and got away with his books, a pair of shoes and clothes as well as beddings and a television set belonging to Floriana Lodge. Police came on the scene around 03:00 hours after Floriana Lodge authorities reported the matter.

Police later recorded a statement from Chanda yesterday. And Post managing editor Amos Malupenga said The Post had every reason to suspect that the MMD were behind this attack because the newspaper's journalists had been receiving information from MMD insiders and some concerned police officers, warning them to be careful whenever they covered President Rupiah Banda.

“For example, last weekend when President Banda was on a campaign tour in Eastern Province, he was featured on Radio Breeze where he expressed some concern about how we reported on his activities. He further went on to say that 'The Post are here and yet I didn't even invite them',” Malupenga said. “After this statement, we were told to be careful about our movement because the MMD cadres were on the lookout for our journalists.”

However, Malupenga reminded President Banda that The Post did not require his permission to cover him whenever he addressed public meetings.

“President Banda must remind himself that he is not only the president of MMD. He is also the Republican President who does not only talk about party matters whenever he is addressing rallies but also makes serious pronouncements on national issues. For example President Banda, among other issues, has chosen to explain to the nation why he has not allowed the state to appeal against Dr Frederick Chiluba at these political rallies he has been addressing,” said Malupenga.

“Even assuming that President Banda restricts his comments to MMD politics at these rallies, we are still entitled to inform the public about MMD. We still have the right to cover him and inform the public about the happenings in the ruling party. If President Banda is truly as democratic as he says, we urge him to stop inciting his cadres against our journalists.”

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