
Saturday, November 28, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Dear Kamuzu Banda

Dear Kamuzu Banda
By Nyasa Times
Published: November 28, 2009

Sir, sorry that I have to write you at this time of the year, and at a time when your soul is peacefully Resting In eternal Peace. But, I am sure that wherever you are, as the founder of the nation, and one who was booted out of power on reasons of dictatorship, to pave way for multiparty democracy, you could be more concerned about the plight of Malawians, fifteen years down the line, since your tragic fall from echelons of power, and about a decade ago since your demise.

I write you because I think we have derailed and need peaceful intervention of saints to pray for our country. Knowing that you are closer to canonised saints up there, I thought you would confide in them. We have not gone too far the bad way, but certainly political leaders are taking us too far there.

We refuse this.

Sir, in my beautiful country, I never knew I had to come from a particular region until a while ago. I never knew I had to search for my tribe till days ago. I never knew my parents come from two different tribes and regions till a week ago. I am now left wondering, figuring out my tribe. My surname is not enough, where I am presently staying matters even more.

You may think I am the only one in this predicament, nay, there are several others experiencing it this way.

You see, it is now important that one knows where s/he comes from. It will soon be a basis for one’s selection into the university. It may also give one an advantage or two over others to get somewhere in this society… so on and so forth.

Leaders, fifteen years after you were dethroned, are publicly uttering divisive and tribalist speeches. They are openly referring to Malawians as Southerners, Central(lers), Northerners and Easterners. And, they go as far as referring to one region as only being a friend to the rest, for instance, “anzathu a [ku chagawo chakuti].

In fact, statistics have been worked out to demonstrate how much more people of particular regions contribute to the country’s GDP. How this can be calculated in a country where each region has people from any other, is a puzzle for your thought.

Sir, how best do you explain it when appointments are being made based on political, tribal and regional belonging? You may frown, but that is some reality.

Well, it could be coincidence that those who qualify and please the appointing authority every time there is a vacancy for top positions are only those from one system of thought. However, should it still read as coincidence when it goes beyond three times? I know you have the best answer, you equally have experienced power in abundance, not so?

After all, it is also claimed you are the first architect of this unwritten policy.

Sometimes one would want to blame you. You know what? The whole breed of national leaders, enjoying in the perfumed gardens of power, wealth, corruption, and sycophancy, are products of your mentorship, directly or indirectly.

They have recycled over and over again. Some have lost taste, but still hold on to the stage, even when the show is over and curtains have been drawn.

This breed of politicians still practices the type you taught them. Political threats, unilateral decisions, bootlicking, political arrests, a culture of political and party ‘henchmen’ (though gender insensitive) and arrogance. It is not a surprise that most leave the stage, one by one, through an embarrassing vote of no confidence. Ask JZU and Muluzi.

The country has been rocked with issues of third term, open term, bouncing back, section 65, intraparty democracy, lack of party conventions so on and so forth. There is no better explanation than to reveal that these leaders have read the concepts of democracy but can not practice them, they can not upgrade their mental operating systems.

I assure you, a medical doctor working on their brains would recommend a complete overhaul and formatting of their grey matter. It is gone past its usefulness. It should not even get closer to the younger generation for fear of contamination. It is contagious, unfortunately.

Aaah! It is the second time I am writing you. The first time was through The Nation, in 2004. Yes, I was a varsity student then. I could not cope with academic pressure and at the same time writing you from time to time. Hence, the break. I do not promise, but once in a while, I will be writing you.

Rest in eternal Peace.

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