Monday, November 02, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Quota System: Goodall Gondwe emulates his late father

Quota System: Goodall Gondwe emulates his late father
By Nyasa Times
Published: November 2, 2009

Goodall Gondwe’s u-turn in the debate on quota system that has seen him bash his own godfathers of Livingstonia Synod, is not an extraordinary happening for those that have followed the Gondwe family.

At a press conference held at his Mzuzu residence on Saturday, Gondwe, said: “I have consulted and read widely about how the system is going to be implemented and I am convinced nothing can work better for tertiary education in Malawi.”

This is a departure from his earlier statement where he said he needed to be briefed about how the system would work.

Gondwe went further to admonish the Livingstonia Synod of the CCAP, which is against the implementation of the quota system, and condemned everyone agitating against the system.

A senior Ngoni chief confided in Nyasa Times reporter that Goodall Gondwe is only emulating his late father, who earned a famous name of being a traitor during the fight against colonialism, explaining further that the father of Goodall – Kayiwonanga Gondwe - was an avid supporter of colonialism and fought fervently against those that agitated for self-rule and independence.

“Whilst some people left this country because of the one-party regime, Goodall Gondwe left because of his family’s support for colonialism that placed him in collision course with Kamuzu. It is no wonder that today, Goodall Gondwe is supporting quota system, which he knows very well that is against his own people…he’s a traitor and he should not be given chance to see another parliament in 2014,” concluded the chief.

An academic at Mzuzu University said that both Gondwe and the President are myopic in pushing for a “bad system”.

“For example, Mzimba district has the following secondary schools: Mzuzu Government, Katoto, Viphya, Ekwendeni, Euthini, Mzimba, Lunjika, Robert Laws, St. John Bosco, Mary Mount; about 30 community day secondary schools; and about 15 properly run private secondary schools. How do you select 10 students or 20 students to go to the university?” queried the academic, asking for anonymity for fear of reprisals.

The academic further expressed surprise that Nkhoma Synod of the CCAP, with more than 50 academic institutions within just Lilongwe, would support such a system, explaining that in a normal year, Lilongwe Girls, Likuni Boys, Likuni Girls, St. John’s, William Murray, Bwaila, Mitundu, Dzenza and such others would take up the 20 places.

On the other hand, Mwanza district has one public secondary school; Phalombe has one secondary school; Chiradzulu has one; Mulanje has one secondary school; Nsanje has one or two; and the comparison can go on and on.

“The use of the quota system just based on districts disregarding the number of secondary schools and number of students qualifying for university entrance examinations is completely flawed so much so that educated people like Goodall Gondwe should not support such systems,” the academic concluded.

A Dwangwa-based political activist, Chance Nyirenda, has condemned Goodall Gondwe on his stance, calling him an “opportunist” whose interest is just ministerial position and the luxuries that go with being minister at the expense of the people that he so represents.

“People had a lot of expectations from Goodall Gondwe to be the person who should walk into Chihanas, Chisizas, the Kapotes, Chiumes, Orton Chirwas, Manoahs, among others; as a true son prepared to carry the weight of responsibility; but look he’s a fickle leader who’s even prepared to condemn his own Church leaders for political survival; we don’t do that and those that have done it have always paid a heavy price,” said Nyirenda.

The quota system was implemented during the one-party regime, with disastrous results that witnessed banishment of teachers from regions of posting to places of extraction. The system was later applied across the public service.

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