
Thursday, November 26, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Tembo says Malawi should not accuse foreign countries for its economic mess

Tembo says Malawi should not accuse foreign countries for its economic mess
By Nyasa Times
Published: November 26, 2009

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president John Tembo has said President Bingu wa Mutharika government should not accuse foreign countries on the crippling foreign currency and fuel shortages.

The problems have prompted the government to ban all foreign trips by public officials and affected Mutharika’s trip to attend Commonwealth Heads of government meeting in Trinidad and Tobago.

“Where has foreign exchange gone? Let people know,” said the veteran politician.

“But don’t accuse foreign countries as being responsible for the mess we are in today in Malawi,” said Tembo.

Malawi government blames Mozambique as being esponsible for the country’s fuel woes, claiming that fuel has been held up because of congestion in the ports of Nacala and Beira. The claim was strongly denied by Mozambique authorities.

Tembo in remarks made on Capital Radio said the ban of all foreign trips by government officials is not going to help save the much needed foreign exchange.

“It is not. Because the amount of money spent by civil servants on trips is not the major problem. But the major problems that Malawi has, are not caused by civil servants, whether in their trips, allowances and so on,” he said.

“Yes it’s good to reduce expenditure, control expenditure but to use that as main reason, no!”

Tembo questioned President Mutharika for presidential jet purchase at the tune of about US$15.9million.

“Where did he get the money to buy the plane which he has?” wondered the MCP president.

“I don’t remember parliament passing the budget and money which was used to purchase the presidential jet. Because an item like that comes to parliament as a specific item for the whole country to take pride in for a Head of State to have a new jet.

“After all, I have dealt with purchase of plane before, both as minister of finance and chairman of Air Malawi. We had to bring to parliament specific items for approval.”

He said: “For instance, Kwacha that plane we are using now, I negotiated for its purchase myself and parliament had to pass authorization bill for the loan which was used to buy that plane.

“Who can tell me now that you can hide in the budget a major item as a purchase of a plane?”

Tembo called on government o be democratic, transparent and be open to its own citizens.

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