
Thursday, November 05, 2009

(NYASATIMES, XINHUA) Malawi, Zimbabwe to smoothen trade barriers

Malawi, Zimbabwe to smoothen trade barriers
By Nyasa Times
Published: November 4, 2009

Malawi and Zimbabwe a on Wednesday pledged to continue working together to smoothen trade through addressing barriers to trade.

In a joint communique issued at the end of the eighth Joint Permanent Commission (JPC) in Harare on Wednesday, the two countries agreed to finalize work on new agreements aimed at strengthening cooperation. The parties expressed satisfaction with the level of trade between the two countries.

However, to enhance trade exchanges, they examined factors that may constitute barriers to trade such as restrictions imposed on some products, delays in clearance of goods, the issuance of permits and bottlenecks to movement of cargo, according to the communique.

Pending Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) cover areas including mining, energy, tourism, wildlife management, forestry, aqua-culture and water development.

Proposed agreements, expected to be signed by the first quarter of next year, will deal with areas such as education, sports, arts and culture, labor and employment, gender and women’s affairs, information, news agencies and broadcasting as well as social welfare, according to reports by New Ziana.

The parties agreed to form a joint implementing mechanism, which would ensure that all agreements are put into force.

Malawi Foreign Affairs Minister Professor Eta Banda (pictured) described the JPC as having been highly successful.

She, however, expressed concern that the two countries have failed to fully implement agreements made six years ago. “The some total of inaction is that we will have failed our people when we are expected to service them with diligence,” she said.

She said action would contribute towards poverty reduction in the respective countries.

Zimbabwe’s Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi also noted that implementation is the real challenge that remains for the two governments to address.

He said Zimbabwe would take a cue from Malawi’s success in the agriculture sector especially through supporting smallholder farmers.

Dealing with non-tariff barriers is critical for enhancing trade, he said.

The next JPC would be held in Malawi in 2011.-Xinhua

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