
Friday, November 06, 2009

Puta is an enemy of the people - family member

Puta is an enemy of the people - family member
By Zumani Katasefa
Fri 06 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

KAPOTWE Puta, a member of chief Puta’s royal family, has advised the traditional leader to stay away from politics or face the wrath of the people. Commenting on chief Puta’s decision to ban all Patriotic Front (PF) activities in his chiefdom, Kapotwe said the chief’s move was not fair.

“I don’t know why the chief took that decision, he is just against the PF, he must stop talking about politics. There is no sense, he must keep quiet. He must leave politics to politicians,” he said.

Kapotwe said people should never fear chief Puta.

He said by banning the PF activities from taking place in Chienge, chief Puta had clearly shown that he was an enemy of the people.

“He is an enemy of the people and why should he say that it was the headmen who resolved to ban the PF activities? … The chief should stay away from politics. I know why he has done that,” he said.
He said if chief Puta continued to be against the PF, he would face the wrath of the people.

Kapotwe said chief Puta would not manage to deny the people of Chiengi their right to belong a political party of their choice.

Chief Puta banned PF activities in the chiefdom and, when contacted for comment, said the decision was made by the headmen.

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