
Saturday, November 14, 2009

RTSA takes measures to improve road safety

RTSA takes measures to improve road safety
By Sututu Katundu
Sat 14 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

THE Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has said it is implementing a number of activities aimed at enhancing road safety. This follows recent accidents that occurred in Luangwa and Chinsali where several people died.

RTSA director Frederick Mwalusaka said that the Agency had since concluded with investigations and the findings were that the bus involved in the Luangwa accident did not have any documents to allow for its usage as a public service vehicle and the operator was not licensed in any form to operate a public passenger transport service.

He said the Agency would forward recommendations to the Zambia Police for prosecution of the operator.

Mwalusaka said some of the measures taken were the acquisition and use of enforcement equipment including motorbikes and patrol vehicles, which were being complemented by road safety education and publicity activities to create awareness on issues pertaining to road safety.

“The Agency has also developed a mandatory defensive drivers’ course for public service drivers and enhanced high way patrols and road safety education campaigns to all road users”, he said.

Mwalusaka said while the RTSA had continued to undertake road safety interventions through various initiatives, including highway patrols, driver testing strategies, motor vehicle examinations and road safety education, the increase in fatal road traffic accidents involving PSVs continued to be a serious concern to the Agency considering the many lives lost in these accidents which in many instances could

Mwalusaka said that the Agency would also continue collaborating with the Road Development Agency (RDA) to ensure that all aspects of road safety were considered and incorporated in all road works at both design and construction stages.

He said according to research, road traffic Accidents were caused mainly by three factors namely the mechanical state of the vehicle, the prevailing environmental and weather conditions, and the human element.
In Zambia, research has also shown that most accidents involving public service vehicles have been as a result of human error on the part of drivers.

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