
Friday, November 13, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) British journal sets record straight on Zimbabwe

British journal sets record straight on Zimbabwe
*Frank Chitima - Opinion
Thu, 12 Nov 2009 11:17:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - It is very interesting that the British Medical journal , the Lancet, has for once correctly stated that the reason that the life expectancy in Zimbabwe has deteriorated in recent years from 62 years to 43 years is due to Aids-related illnesses amongst the young.

The world has been lied to by the Western press that the reduced life expectancy was due to the mismanagement of the economy by President Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF party.

If anything, when President Mugabe and Zanu PF came into power in 1980, they massively invested and expanded the healthcare system and built it to a first class one that became the envy of many on the continent.

The sanctions imposed by the West set back Zimbabwe's progress.

As our economy started to implode due to the sanctions, our highly qualified health professionals were lured to countries like the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Botswana, etc where remunerations were better.

The West and MDC formations have a lot to answer for for the deterioration of our healthcare and educational services.

They colluded and connived to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe and the result has been the unnecessary deaths of millions of Zimbabweans and devastation of our services and economy.

It is very heartening to note that things are once again improving. It is now time that the West removes its economic sanctions.

Zimbabwe has an educated workforce and an excellent infrastructure and all it wants is the yoke of economic sanctions removed so that it can borrow money like any other country without being vetoed by the US and its allies.

Remove the sanctions and Zimbabwe will be a different place within months. What is the West afraid of?

*Frank Chitima is an alias of a Zimbabwe Guardian contributor.

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