
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) RBZ Bill: no soft landing on Gono

RBZ Bill: no soft landing on Gono
Takunya Ndebvu - Opinion
Tue, 24 Nov 2009 10:53:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - The Standard Newspaper and its so-called analysts are wrong in their analysis of the new Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Bill. RBZ Governor Dr. Gideon Gono is not going anywhere, thus, he is in that seat to stay.

President Mugabe has stated clearly and categorically that Dr Gono is going to finish his term because he was appointed in accordance with the laws of the country. Anything else is just wishful thinking by those who wish to see Dr Gono's back. They will have to contend with seeing his face more often, and for the next five years.

The Bill gives immunity not only to a serving Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, but also to previous Governors who did anything "in good faith and without negligence under the powers conferred by this Act". How then is this Bill a "soft landing or golden handshake" for Dr Gono? Why are you not saying the Bill is a "soft landing or golden handshake" for Dr Gono’s predecessor as well?

Dr Gono did not destroy our economy, it was Biti and Tsvangirai and their sellout party that campaigned for sanctions which have resulted in the miserable lives we were leading before the Zanu-pf government introduced multiple currencies in our economy through the advice of Dr Gono.

Dr Gono is a loyal, dedicated and professional expert who made sure that the ruinous sanctions campaigned for by Biti and Tsvangi do not completely destroy our country's economy.

Had it not been for Dr Gono, our newly resettled farmers would not have produced the amount of staple food they harvested last year (2008/09 season). Had it not been for Dr Gono, the many companies that survived western sanctions would have folded by now. Had it not been for Dr Gono all municipalities, including Harare, would be non-existent by now.

So you can, therefore, see that Dr Gono did a wonderful job of keeping all the sectors of the economy running under very difficult conditions of strangulation by imperialists led by the Blair and now the Brown regimes and assisted by the Bush and now the Obama regimes.

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