
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Banda never means what he says – Syakalima

Banda never means what he says – Syakalima
By Chibaula Silwamba
Wed 09 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

SIAVONGA UPND member of parliament Douglous Syakalima has charged that President Rupiah Banda did not mean what he said about his appreciation of separation of powers.

Commenting on President Banda's statement that his government appreciated and valued the doctrine of separation of powers when he officiated at the Ndola High Court golden jubilee celebrations last Friday, Syakalima observed that the President was reading speeches even though he did not believe in the issues raised in those speeches written for him.

“President Banda has never said anything that he believes in. Speeches are written for him and then life goes on. So he has never said anything that he means,” said Syakalima on Monday. “He talks about fighting corruption but we all know that he is not fighting corruption; he is the one encouraging it.

His Vice-President George Kunda and his ministers like Mike Mulongoti were excited when former president Frederick Chiluba was acquitted. He even announced that Zambians have accepted the judgment. Now, can you believe him today when he says there is separation of powers? Everything that comes from his mouth is foul.”

Syakalima observed that President Banda was not committed to whatever he said.

“I want any Zambian to show me that 'this is what he President Banda said and it is followed by action'. Nothing! He just came to play around. See the mess he has created for us as a country. He doesn't really care. For him it's a kamwendo munjila chabe someone who travels aimlessly, flying around,” Syakalima said.

“That is why the other time I had even said he is infuriating many of us who are intelligent because it's like everyday he is insulting our intelligence. He has said that statement, whatever he will say even in future I can predict that he will just be saying things because they are written for him not that he is very grounded into what he reads. That man we gave ourselves for a President! We are in for a rude shock; by 2011 he will have messed up this country.”

On Friday, President Banda said separation of powers was a basic principle of the political system of modern democracies which Zambia was party to. He said the doctrine of separation of powers implied that the function of the state should reside in the executive, legislature and the judiciary as different and separate entities with none of the three branches of government able to exercise total power over the other two.

He said his government appreciated and valued the doctrine of separation of powers because he viewed the judiciary as a complementary arm to the executive and legislature in providing checks and balances.

President Banda said the doctrine of separation of powers was critical to the deepening of the democratic process and strengthening of institutions in the country.

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