
Friday, December 11, 2009

Daka urges increased value addition to land allocated for business purposes

Daka urges increased value addition to land allocated for business purposes
By Florence Bupe
Fri 11 Dec. 2009, 04:00 CAT

LANDS minister Peter Daka has urged increased value addition to land allocated for business purposes. In an interview, Daka said his ministry would not hesitate to give large portions of land to investors who showed willingness to develop such land for the benefit of the national economy.

“We have given land title deeds to companies like Zambeef because they have proved they are able to add value to this land. We will not hesitate to give out more land to people that demonstrate the ability to add value in terms of job creation and increased productivity,” he said.

Daka said the ministry had introduced incentives through the decentralised branches in the Ministry of Local Government and Housing to ensure that land was prudently allocated and utilised. He also warned that officers found to be dishonest in land allocation issues would be sternly dealt with.

“We want to be sure that Zambians at large have confidence in the people entrusted to handle their land issues. We need clear and prudent systems in place,” Daka said. “The Ministry of Lands will ensure that the people are served accordingly.”

Daka said with the use of land development funds, the ministry should see a more efficient land allocation and development system.

“We have put facilities in place to encourage efficiency in land management. We have a K15 billion facility aimed at encouraging the opening up of new areas away from the main city centres, and our first step has been the construction of ring roads in some parts of the country,” he said.

Daka said the lands ministry was working with the local government ministry to uplift the outlook of cities across the country through the erection of more modern structures.

“We are looking forward to a time when we will lift off compounds and put up better but affordable structures for an improved outlook of our cities,” said Daka.

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