
Friday, December 04, 2009

Govt postpones tender process for supply, delivery of crude oil

Govt postpones tender process for supply, delivery of crude oil
By Chibaula Silwamba
Fri 04 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

THE Ministry of Energy has postponed the deadline for the tender process in the supply and delivery of crude oil for the 2010-2011 period, following The Post's exposé of the government's manoeuvres to manipulate the process in favour of Russia's LITASCO.

And chief government spokesperson Lt Gen Ronnie Shikapwasha has defended LITASCO, saying it was not a conman company but a reputable one.

In an interview yesterday, Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) director general Samuel Chibuye confirmed the rescheduling of the date for concluding the tender process.

“The ministry has requested for some adjustments because the PS new permanent secretary Teddy Kasonso needs to acquaint himself with the process so that a lot of things which will be done, he will be able to understand them. So there are some adjustments to the pre-bidding meeting and the closing date for the tender as a result of those issues,” Chibuye said.

“The new deadline is… In fact, we are trying to do some adverts, but currently the proposed date from the ministry is 31st December, 2009 and that is also subject to the bidders themselves saying 'is that okay with them or not'. So far that is the new date. Initially the deadline was 18th December, 2009. Now pre-bidding meeting is 18th December.”

However, Chibuye stressed that those dates would have to be agreed upon by all parties including the bidders.

“If they bidders accept that date, then it will be final but again depending on the issues that will be raised because the bidders might say, ‘it is Christmas time, it is holiday time, is it possible to extend?’ Again that has to be discussed with the ministry. Depending on how the ministry feels, how comfortable they are...” said Chibuye.

But when contacted earlier, in connection with the adjustments to the bidding process, Kasonso pleaded ignorance on the process.
“Bidding what?” Kasonso asked.

“I am in Livingstone. There is no confirmation to make. Go back to ZPPA.”

When reminded that Chibuye had referred the query to the Ministry of Energy, Kasonso said: “Anyway, I am in Livingstone, call me when I am in Lusaka tomorrow today.”

Well-placed sources disclosed that the Ministry of Energy had rescheduled the tender process as a result of the exposé in The Post about the government's intentions to unduly award the tender to LITASCO.

The source said the rescheduling was meant to give the government time to review the tender documents in an effort to address the issues that had been raised so far.

“Even then, we do not feel what the dates they are proposing will be sufficient,” the source said. “The rescheduling of the tender process is a welcome move although we are yet to see if they are going to attend to all the issues that you have exposed. And thanks to The Post otherwise President Banda could have quickly pushed for LITASCO if you did not expose this matter. But just continue on alert because these people, especially State House, are determined to give this tender to LITASCO.

“So you guys don't give up. Remember what happened last year? When you raised a lot of dust about Dalbit, the government withdrew just as they have done in this case. But when the dust settled and you guys stopped following up that matter, Dalbit was awarded the contract to supply finished products.”

Oppostion political party leaders that include PF's Michael Sata, UPND’s Hakainde Hichilema, FDD’s Edith Nawakwi and PF spokesperson Given Lubinda have condemned the government’s manoeuvres to manipulate the tender process in favour of LITASCO, which energy minister Kenneth Konga allegedly negotiated with.

But Lt Gen Shikapwasha denounced Sata for calling LITASCO a conman company. He said Sata’s accusation against the government of scheming to get kickbacks from LITASCO must be dismissed with the contempt it derseved.

“The statement is just a mere reflection of Mr Sata’s total ignorance of the oil industry. It shows how uninformed Mr Sata is about the major players in the oil industry. LITASCO, the company Mr Sata made reference to, is a reputable company, contrary to Mr Sata's lie that it is just a conman company.”

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