
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

(HERALD) Politburo endorses Presidium

Politburo endorses Presidium
By Sydney Kawadza

ZANU-PF’S Politburo yesterday endorsed the Presidium nominated by the party’s 10 provinces ahead of the fifth National People’s Congress that starts in Harare tomorrow.

The party’s supreme decision-making body outside congress also endorsed the election of Cde Amos Midzi as Harare provincial chairman, in addition to the Central Committee nominations made by the provinces.

In an interview after the Politburo meeting at Zanu-PF headquarters last night, party deputy secretary for information and publicity Cde Ephraim Masawi said the nominations would have to be confirmed at the congress.

"We deliberated on the nomination of the Presidium and endorsed the nomination of President Mugabe as the party’s President and First Secretary and Vice President Joice Mujuru as the second secretary.

"The Politburo also endorsed the nomination of Vice President-designate Cde John Nkomo and national chairman-designate Cde Simon Khaya Moyo," he said.

Cde Nkomo has been nominated to fill the void left by the death, in August, of fearless founding nationalist Cde Joseph Msika.

The Politburo had tasked the Matabeleland provinces to recommend a cadre to take over the post.

The region subsequently settled on current party chairman Cde Nkomo, a decision that was unanimously endorsed by provinces countrywide.

The provinces also nominated Cde Khaya Moyo as national chairman to take over from Cde Nkomo.

Manicaland, Mashonaland Central and Masvingo provinces had nominated other candidates for the national chairmanship.

Manicaland opted for secretary for administration Cde Didymus Mutasa.

Mashonaland Central had initially done the same but later settled for Cde Khaya Moyo.

Masvingo province first went for Politburo member Cde Kembo Mohadi, but the Home Affairs Co-Minister advised the province to withdraw the nomination and instead throw their weight behind Cde Khaya Moyo.

Masvingo duly backed Cde Khaya Moyo, who is presently Zimbabwe’s Ambassador to South Africa.

Cde Masawi said the Politburo endorsed Cde Midzi’s re-election as Harare provincial chairman after he beat Cde Hubert Nyanhongo in recent polls.

"The meeting discussed the developments in Harare and endorsed the leadership elected in November but strongly urged the party to work hard in uniting the people of Harare," he said.

Cde Masawi said measures would be

taken to ensure the feuding Harare factions were brought together.

"There are people that have been tasked to start work on uniting the province as we want to regain the seats that we have lost in Harare," he said.

Controversy shrouded the restructuring exercise in Harare amid clashes between party supporters rooting for Cde Midzi and others who were backing Cde Nyanhongo, Zanu-PF’s sole legislator in Harare.

The Politburo meeting also discussed lists of Central Committee members as nominated by the provinces.

"We discussed the lists submitted and endorsed the nominees. What is only left is for the People’s Congress to confirm the endorsed candidates."

The fifth National People’s Conference begins tomorrow with a Politburo meeting that will be followed by a Central Committee meeting on Thursday.

President Mugabe will officially open the congress on Friday.

Accreditation of party delegates and journalists is scheduled to begin today.

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