
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

(HERALD) Sanctions burden yours Tsvangirai

Sanctions burden yours Tsvangirai

EDITOR — Zimbabwe finds itself in a situation where a few power-hungry individuals sought to sacrifice the whole nation in a bid to appease disgruntled former colonial powers, who couldn’t fathom losing two wars in succession, the Second and Third Chimurengas.

We hear grumbling from certain quarters that in the ongoing inter-party negotiations Zanu-PF is ‘‘burdening’’ MDC-T with issues that are not within MDC-T’s powers to resolve.

A case in point being calling for the lifting of illegal and racist economic sanctions imposed by some Western nations at the instigation of MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai and his party.

Pause a moment and think, Tsvangirai and MDC-T have confessed to courting the sanctions, the onus is certainly on them to lead the anti-sanctions lobby.

Sanctions have given them what they wanted. They have landed jobs that could never have come their way without the aid of the goblins and tokoloshis (the illegal sanctions). The same goblins and tokoloshis have been wiping away and persecuting his own family, his children and relatives, his own kith and kin.

Not even Morgan’s brother Casper is exempt from the effects of the sanctions.

The goblins that you sought, Prime Minister, are haunting the whole nation.

Should Prime Minister Tsvangirai and his MDC-T be relieved of the burden to get rid of the goblins they sought, merely because they do not have the powers to rid themselves of them?

So whose burden should it be?

PM Tsvangirai and his party should go back and plead with their sangoma to take back the tokoloshis. The sanctions are illegal, racist and ruinous, they do not deserve glamorising, and they are hampering our country’s potential.

Peace-loving, progressive, hardworking and innocent Zimbabweans have condemned the sanctions.

Cde Cad Mash.

United Kingdom.

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