
Saturday, December 26, 2009

(HERALD) US$50m too little for agriculture

US$50m too little for agriculture

Editor — As the effects of Finance Minister Tendai Biti’s budget proposals begin to unfold, it has become clear that he is trying to undermine the progress being made by newly-resettled farmers as he has allocated a measly US$50 million towards supporting the farmers.

Although Biti admitted that the sector contributed the most amounts to the country’s GDP last year, he has allocated the paltry amount. Biti’s move has led to clashes in the inclusive Government over how to spend half a billion dollars from the International Monetary Fund. The dispute could create further tensions in the already shaky power-sharing deal.

He has earmarked the US$50 million of the funds for agriculture, a sector that represents about 16 per cent of the economy and a majority of the country’s workforce.

But farmers say the government should spend the bulk of the funds on assisting their sector.

Economist Alfred Mutasa told Al Jazeera that the situation has heightened tension between supporters of the two factions.

People in Zanu PF think he has been very obstructive in that sense.

Concerned Zimbabwean.

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